picture of Madison


Presenter Title Institution Files
De Smet, Alain Basic Condor Administration Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Dost, Jeff Remote Condor UCSD (OpenDocument) (PDF) (Demo PDF)
Heymann, Elisa and Miller, Barton Secure Coding Practices for Middleware (PDF)
Knoeller, John 'TJ', Hahn, Ken, and Gietzel, Becky Condor Statistics on your Submit Nodes Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Miller, Karen Basic Introduction to using Condor Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Miller, Zach Security: Lockdown of a Basic Pool Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Panike, Nathan Condor and Workflows: An Introduction Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Rati, Rob and Benton, Will Condor High Availability Red Hat (PDF)
Thain, Greg Configuration of Partitionable Slots Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Vahi, Karan Pegasus - A system to run, manage and debug complex workflows on top of Condor Information Sciences Institute (PowerPoint) (PDF)


Presenter Title Institution Files
Bockelman, Brian Putting Condor in a Container University of Nebraska-Lincoln (PDF)
Carstensen, Lans Condor at DreamWorks Animation Dreamworks Animation (PDF)
Bauerdick, Lothar Open Science Grid Fermi National Laboratory (PDF)
Bui, Peter Compiling and Linking Workflows University of Notre Dame (PDF)
Durham Brooks, Tessa Uncovering the dynamics of genome function at the organismal scale using machine vision and computation Doane College (PDF)
Farrellee, Matthew Red Hat and Condor and the developer community Red Hat (PDF)
Fienen, Michael Water into Wine: Condor, PEST, and Hydrologic Modeling USGS (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Fraser, Dan Bosco: Enabling Researchers to Expand Their HTC Resource Argonne National Laboratory (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Frey, Jaime Condor's use of the Cisco Unified Computing System Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Gore, Brooklin JMAG & Condor Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Heymann, Elisa 10 common programming mistakes that make you vulnerable to attack Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Kosar, Tevfik Cloud-hosted Data Transfer and Optimization Service: Stork for the Cloud University at Buffalo (PDF)
Jiang, Wenying Machine Design Optimization Based on FEA using High-Throughput Computing University of Wisconsin-Madison PowerPoint PDF
Livny, Miron Welcome Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Mambelli, Marco UC3: A Framework for Cooperative Computing at the University of Chicago University of Chicago (PowerPoint) (PDF)
McGough, Steve Simulating Condor Newcastle University (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Mills, Jonathan Condor in Networked Clouds RENCI (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Nannicini, Giacomo Using MW for mixed integer non-linear problems Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PDF)
Nordlund, Bob GPU Computing with Condor at The Hartford The Hartford (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Raub, Brian BLAST and bioinformatics applications on Purdue's DiaGrid Purdue University (PDF)
Re, Chris Deep Linguistic Processing with Condor University of Wisconsin-Madison (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Robinson, John-Paul Condor at UAB University of Alabama-Birmingham (PDF)
Ruotti, Victor Next Generation Sequencing of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Morgridge Institute for Research (Keynote) (PDF)
Sedore, Eric Building a Virtualized Desktop Grid at Syracuse Syracuse University (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Sfiligoi, Igor An argument for moving the requirements out of user hands - the CMS experience University of California San Diego (OpenOffice) (PDF)
Strecker-Kellogg, William Uses of new features and virtualization plans at the RACF Brookhaven National Laboratory (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Tannenbaum, Todd What's new in Condor? What's coming up? Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Thain, Greg How I learned to stop worrying and love preemption Condor Project (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Timm, Steve FermiCloud--Dynamic Resource Provisioning Fermi National Laboratory (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Tiradani, Tony glideinWMS in the Cloud Fermi National Laboratory (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Triplett, Sara and Vigil, Jason MoSes Projections on a Condor Grid Pacific Life (PDF)
Tuecke, Steve Cloud Based Services for Science U.Chicago / Argonne / Globus (PDF)
Vahi, Karan Managing large-scale workflows with Pegasus Information Sciences Institute (PowerPoint) (PDF)
Williams, Eric Automated Provisioning with Cisco UCS Cisco (PowerPoint) (PDF)