HTCondor-CE Release Highlights

Latest Releases

23.9.1 - August 8, 2024

Highlights of this release are:

  • Use new Job Router syntax by default
  • Update configuration files to work with HTCondor 23.9.1 and later
23.0.13 - July 24, 2024

Highlights of this release are:

  • Package condor_ce_upgrade_check
23.0.12 - July 16, 2024

Highlights of this release are:

  • Fix whole node GPU request expression for non-HTCondor batch system
23.0.8 - April 11, 2024

Highlights of this release are:

  • Fix memory request being ignored for whole node jobs
23.0.6 - March 14, 2024

Highlights of this release are:

  • Fix CE job route transform for job environment
  • Fix CERequirements when the default_CERequirements is not set
  • Add condor_ce_test_token tool to generate short lived SciToken for tests
  • Remove GSI from security method list to eliminate annoying warnings
23.0.3 - January 4, 2023

Highlights of this release are:

  • Ensure that jobs requesting GPUs land on HTCondor EPs with GPUs
23.0.1 - November 16, 2023

Highlights of this release are:

  • Add condor_ce_test_token command
23.0.0 - September 29, 2023

Highlights of this release are:

  • Add grid CA and host certificate/key locations to default SSL search paths
  • Verifies that HTCondor-CE can access the local HTCondor’s SPOOL directory
  • Can use condor_ce_trace without SciToken to test batch system integration
  • condor_ce_upgrade_check checks compatibility with HTCondor 23.0
  • Adds deprecation warnings for old job router configuration syntax
6.0.0 - February 20, 2023

Highlights of this release are:

  • Align HTCondor-CE security configuration with HTCondor defaults
  • Add example configuration on how to ban users
  • Add condor_ce_transform_ads command
  • Improve essential directory checking and creation at startup
5.1.6 - October 5, 2022

Highlights of this release are:

  • HTCondor-CE now uses the C++ Collector plugin for payload job traceability
  • Fix HTCondor-CE mapfiles to be compliant with PCRE2 and HTCondor 9.10.0+
  • Add support for multiple APEL accounting scaling factors
  • Suppress spurious log message about a missing negotiator
  • Fix crash in HTCondor-CE View
5.1.5 - June 6, 2022

Highlights of this release are:

  • Rename AuthToken attributes in the routed job to better support accounting
  • Prevent GSI environment from pointing the job to the wrong certificates
  • Fix issue where HTCondor-CE would need port 9618 open to start up
5.1.4 - April 12, 2022

Highlights of this release are:

  • Fix whole node job glidein CPUs and GPUs expressions that caused held jobs
  • Fix bug where default CERequirements were being ignored
  • Pass whole node request from GlideinWMS to the batch system
  • Since CentOS 8 has reached end of life, we build and test on Rocky Linux 8
5.1.3 - January 20, 2022

Highlights of this release are:

  • The HTCondor-CE central collector requires SSL credentials from client CEs
  • Fix BDII crash if an HTCondor Access Point is not available
  • Fix formatting of APEL records that contain huge values
  • HTCondor-CE client mapfiles are not installed on the central collector
5.1.2 - September 23, 2021

Highlights of this release are:

  • Fixed the default memory and CPU requests when using job router transforms
  • Apply default MaxJobs and MaxJobsIdle when using job router transforms
  • Improved SciTokens support in submission tools
  • Fixed –debug flag in condor_ce_run
  • Update configuration verification script to handle job router transforms
  • Corrected ownership of the HTCondor PER_JOBS_HISTORY_DIR
  • Fix bug passing maximum wall time requests to the local batch system
5.1.1 - May 27, 2021

Highlights of this release are:

  • Improved restart time of HTCondor-CE View
  • Fixed bug that caused HTCondor-CE to ignore incoming BatchRuntime requests
  • Fixed RPM dependency issue when installing for non-HTCondor batch systems

Please refer to the update instructions to update to this version.

5.1.0 - April 14, 2021

Highlights of this release are:

  • Add support for ClassAd transforms to the JobRouter
  • Add mapped user and X.509 attribute to local HTCondor pool AccountingGroup mappings to Job Routers configured to use the ClassAd transform syntax;
  • Accept BatchRuntime attributes from incoming jobs to set their maximum walltime
  • Update the HTCondor-CE registry to Python 3
  • Enable SSL authentication by default for READ/WRITE authorization levels
  • APEL reporting scripts now use history files in the local HTCondor PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR to collect job data
  • Use the GlobalJobID attribute as the APEL record lrmsID

Please refer to the update instructions to update to this version.

4.4.1 - July 16, 2020

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor-CE 4.4.1. Highlights of this release are: Fixed a stacktrace with the BDII provider when “HTCONDORCE_SPEC” isn’t defined in the local HTCondor configuration; Fixed a race condition that could result in removed jobs being put on hold; Improved performance of the HTCondor-CE View. A complete list of new features and fixed bugs can be found in the version history. HTCondor-CE 4.4.1 binaries are available from our YUM Repository.

4.4.0 - June 16, 2020

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor-CE 4.4.0. Highlights of this release are: Add plug-in interface to HTCondor-CE View and separate out OSG-specific code and configuration; Add configuration option (COMPLETED_JOB_EXPIRATION) for how many days completed jobs may stay in the queue; Replace APEL uploader SchedD cron with init and systemd services; Fix HTCondor-CE View SchedD query that caused “Info” tables to be blank; Add the CE registry web application to the Central Collector; Identify broken job routes upon startup; Add benchmarking parameters to the BDII provider via HTCONDORCE_SPEC in the configuration; Fix handling of unmapped GSI users in the Central Collector; Fix reference to old BDII configuration values; Drop vestigial Central Collector configuration generator script and service; Fix unmapped GSI/SSL regular expressions and allow unmapped entities to advertise to the Central Collector; Add SSL support for reporting to Central Collectors; GLUE2 validation improvements for the BDII provider. A complete list of new features and fixed bugs can be found in the version history. HTCondor-CE 4.4.0 binaries are available from our YUM Repository.

4.1.0 - January 9, 2020

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor-CE 4.1.0. HTCondor-CE is a grid gateway that forwards resource provisioning requests to your local cluster. HTCondor-CE was originally developed by the Open Science Grid (OSG). The Center for High-Throughput Computing (CHTC) now distributes and supports HTCondor-CE for use outside of the OSG. Highlights of this release are: Added the ability to configure the environment of routed jobs; Simplified APEL configuration; Fixed the ability to specify certificate locations for SSL authentication; Refined the APEL record filter to ignore jobs that have not yet started; Fixed an issue where “condor_ce_q” required authentication; Re-enabled the ability for local users to submit jobs to the CE queue; Fixed an issue where some jobs were capped at 72 mins instead of 72 hrs; Improved BDII provider error handling. A complete list of new features and fixed bugs can be found in the version history. HTCondor-CE 4.1.0 binaries are available from our YUM Repository.

4.0.1 - November 7, 2019

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor-CE 4.0.1. HTCondor-CE is a gateway for grid jobs to be run on your local resources. HTCondor-CE was originally developed by the Open Science Grid (OSG). The Center for High-Throughput Computing (CHTC) now distributes and supports HTCondor-CE for use outside of the OSG. SciTokens are supported if using a recent version of HTCondor compiled with SciTokens. A complete list of new features and fixed bugs can be found in the version history. HTCondor-CE 4.0.1 binaries are available from our YUM Repository.

3.4.3 - July 16, 2020

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor-CE 3.4.3. Highlights of this release are: Fixed a stacktrace with the BDII provider when “HTCONDORCE_SPEC” isn’t defined in the local HTCondor configuration; Fixed a race condition that could result in removed jobs being put on hold. A complete list of new features and fixed bugs can be found in the version history. HTCondor-CE 3.4.3 binaries are available from our YUM Repository.

3.4.2 - June 16, 2020

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor-CE 3.4.2. Highlights of this release are: Identify broken job routes upon startup; Add benchmarking parameters to the BDII provider via HTCONDORCE_SPEC in the configuration; Replace APEL uploader SchedD cron with init and systemd services; Fix reference to old BDII configuration values; Improvements to the GLUE2 validation for the BDII provider. A complete list of new features and fixed bugs can be found in the version history. HTCondor-CE 3.4.2 binaries are available from our YUM Repository.

3.4.0 - January 9, 2020

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor-CE 3.4.0. HTCondor-CE is a grid gateway that forwards resource provisioning requests to your local cluster. HTCondor-CE was originally developed by the Open Science Grid (OSG). The Center for High-Throughput Computing (CHTC) now distributes and supports HTCondor-CE for use outside of the OSG. Highlights of this release are: Added the ability to configure the environment of routed jobs; Simplified APEL configuration; Refined the APEL record filter to ignore jobs that have not yet started; Improved BDII provider error handling. A complete list of new features and fixed bugs can be found in the version history. HTCondor-CE 3.4.0 binaries are available from our YUM Repository.