UW Graphics Group

CS 559: Computer Graphics
Fall 2001

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Notes and Resources for 559

Things to help you with various aspects of CS559.

Tools Page
A discussion of the software and hardware tools used for CS559 assignments and projects.
Example Code Page
Stuff for you to refer to and to use (remember to give proper attribution for borrowed code!).
FlTk Tutorial
An FlTk tutorial specifically geared towards getting you started with fltk in the CSL environment.
FlTk Handson
Instructions for the hand-on FlTk tutorial given at the begining of the semester.
The OpenGL Survival Kit
A page giving the basics of using OpenGL together with FlTk. The sample code is available.
Hints on Using Texture Maps
Some secrets to remember when you try to do texture mapping in OpenGL. (if you don't know what this means, don't worry, you're time will come :-)

Notes on Signal Processing
A tutorial I wrote on the basics of signal processing. Included in the course reader.
Notes on Image Scaling
A tutorial for a specific problem you will need to address in one of your projects.

UW Graphics Group

CS559 Web

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Copyright (C) 2001 by Michael Gleicher
Last modified: 19:10 Nov 15, 2001