
Software Infrastructure and Tools for the TRIPS Prototype

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Bill Yoder, Jim Burrill, Robert McDonald, Kevin Bush, Katherine Coons, Mark Gebhart, Sibi Govindan, Bertrand Maher, Ramadas Nagarajan, Behnam Robatmili, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, Sadia Sharif, Aaron Smith, Doug Burger, Stephen W. Keckler, and Kathryn S. McKinley. Software Infrastructure and Tools for the TRIPS Prototype. In Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation, June 2007.




The TRIPS hardware prototype is the first instantiation of an ExplicitData Graph Execution (EDGE) architecture. Building the compiler,toolset, and system software for the prototype required supporting thesystem's unique dataflow construction, its banked register and memoryconfigurations, and its novel Instruction Set Architecture. Inparticular, the TRIPS ISA includes (i) a block atomic execution model,(ii) explicit mappings of instructions to execution units, and (iii)predicated instructions which may or may not fire, depending on theoutcome of preceding instructions. Our primary goal has been toconstruct tools to consume standard C and Fortran source code andgenerate binaries both for the TRIPS software simulators and hardwareprototype. A secondary goal has been to build the softwareinfrastructure on standard platforms using standard tools. Thesegoals have been met through a combination of off-the-shelf and customtools. We present a number of design issues and their resolution inenabling end users to exercise the prototype ISA using familiar toolsand programming interfaces. Finally, we offer download instructionsfor those who wish to test-drive the TRIPS tools.

Additional Information

This is a test of the extra info broadcasting system.


  author =       {Bill Yoder and  Jim Burrill and  Robert McDonald and  Kevin Bush and  Katherine Coons and  Mark Gebhart and  Sibi Govindan and  Bertrand Maher and  Ramadas Nagarajan and  Behnam Robatmili and  Karthikeyan Sankaralingam and  Sadia Sharif and  Aaron Smith and  Doug Burger and Stephen W. Keckler and Kathryn S. McKinley}
  title =        "{Software Infrastructure and Tools for the TRIPS Prototype}",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation}",
  year =         2007,
  month =        {June},
  abstract = {
 The TRIPS hardware prototype is the first instantiation of an Explicit
 Data Graph Execution (EDGE) architecture.  Building the compiler,
 toolset, and system software for the prototype required supporting the
 system's unique dataflow construction, its banked register and memory
 configurations, and its novel Instruction Set Architecture.  In
 particular, the TRIPS ISA includes (i) a block atomic execution model,
 (ii) explicit mappings of instructions to execution units, and (iii)
 predicated instructions which may or may not fire, depending on the
 outcome of preceding instructions.  Our primary goal has been to
 construct tools to consume standard C and Fortran source code and
 generate binaries both for the TRIPS software simulators and hardware
 prototype.  A secondary goal has been to build the software
 infrastructure on standard platforms using standard tools.  These
 goals have been met through a combination of off-the-shelf and custom
 tools.  We present a number of design issues and their resolution in
 enabling end users to exercise the prototype ISA using familiar tools
 and programming interfaces.  Finally, we offer download instructions
 for those who wish to test-drive the TRIPS tools.
  bib_dl_pdf = {},
  bib_pubtype = {Other},
  bib_rescat = {proj-trips},
  bib_extra_info = {This is a test of the extra info broadcasting system.}

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