
Get the Parallelism out of my Cloud

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Karthikeyan Sankaralingam and Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau. Get the Parallelism out of my Cloud. In Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism, 2010.




The hardware trend toward multicore processors hasso far been driven by technology limitations of wire delays, powerefficiency, and limited capability to exploit instruction-levelparallelism. Software evolution has lead to the rise of the cloud.This multicore + cloud evolution provides several challenges and hasled to a call for parallelism.In this paper, we first examine the drivers behind these trends toaddress three fallacies: software is driven by hardware, multicoreswill be everywhere, and multicore hardware implies parallelism isexposed to all developers. We first address these fallacies and thenpresent our simple view of the future cloud-based ecosystem,based on what we refer to as data-centric concurrency.


   author={Karthikeyan Sankaralingam and Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau},
   title={Get the Parallelism out of my Cloud},
   booktitle="{Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism}",
   abstract = {
 The hardware trend toward multicore processors has
 so far been driven by technology limitations of wire delays, power
 efficiency, and limited capability to exploit instruction-level
 parallelism. Software evolution has lead to the rise of the cloud.
 This multicore + cloud evolution provides several challenges and has
 led to a call for parallelism.
 In this paper, we first examine the drivers behind these trends to
 address three fallacies: software is driven by hardware, multicores
 will be everywhere, and multicore hardware implies parallelism is
 exposed to all developers. We first address these fallacies and then
 present our simple view of the future cloud-based ecosystem,
 based on what we refer to as data-centric concurrency.
   bib_dl_pdf = {},
   bib_dl_ppt = {},
   bib_pubtype = {Other},
   bib_rescat = {proj-opinion}

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