Implementing Signatures for Transactional Memory
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Daniel Sanchez, Luke Yen, Mark D. Hill, and Karthikeyan Sankaralingam. Implementing Signatures for Transactional Memory. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO, December 2007.
Transactional Memory (TM) systems must track the read and writesets---items read and written during a transaction---to detectconflicts among concurrent transactions. Several TMs use signatures,which summarize unbounded read/write sets in bounded hardware at aperformance cost of false positives (conflicts detected when noneexists).This paper examines different organizations to achievehardware-efficient and accurate TM signatures. First, we find thatimplementing each signature with a single $k$-hash-function Bloomfilter (True Bloom signature) is inefficient, as it requiresmulti-ported SRAMs. Instead, we advocate using $k$single-hash-function Bloom filters in parallel (Parallel Bloomsignature), using area-efficient single-ported SRAMs. Our formalanalysis shows that both organizations perform equally well in theoryand our simulation-based evaluation shows this to hold approximatelyin practice. We also show that by choosing high-quality hash functionswe can achieve signature designs noticeably more accurate than thepreviously proposed implementations. Finally, we adapt Pagh andRodler's cuckoo hashing to implement Cuckoo-Bloom signatures. Whilethis representation does not support set intersection, it mitigatesfalse positives for the common case of small read/write sets andperforms like a Bloom filter for large sets.
Additional Information
This is a test of the extra info broadcasting system.
@inproceedings{micro2007:tmsig, author = {Daniel Sanchez and Luke Yen and Mark D. Hill and Karthikeyan Sankaralingam}, title = "{Implementing Signatures for Transactional Memory}", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO}", year = 2007, month = {December}, abstract = { Transactional Memory (TM) systems must track the read and write sets---items read and written during a transaction---to detect conflicts among concurrent transactions. Several TMs use signatures, which summarize unbounded read/write sets in bounded hardware at a performance cost of false positives (conflicts detected when none exists). This paper examines different organizations to achieve hardware-efficient and accurate TM signatures. First, we find that implementing each signature with a single $k$-hash-function Bloom filter (True Bloom signature) is inefficient, as it requires multi-ported SRAMs. Instead, we advocate using $k$ single-hash-function Bloom filters in parallel (Parallel Bloom signature), using area-efficient single-ported SRAMs. Our formal analysis shows that both organizations perform equally well in theory and our simulation-based evaluation shows this to hold approximately in practice. We also show that by choosing high-quality hash functions we can achieve signature designs noticeably more accurate than the previously proposed implementations. Finally, we adapt Pagh and Rodler's cuckoo hashing to implement Cuckoo-Bloom signatures. While this representation does not support set intersection, it mitigates false positives for the common case of small read/write sets and performs like a Bloom filter for large sets. }, bib_dl_pdf = {}, bib_dl = {}, bib_pubtype = {Refereed Conference}, bib_rescat = {Architecture} bib_extra_info = {This is a test of the extra info broadcasting system.} }
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