
Steve Keckler schedule

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fill in your name and location next to a time slot. Create/merge time slots if necessary. Click on edit to fill in entries.

Mar 12, 2007
Arrive 7:00pm Dinner: Karu pickup from airport.

March 13, 2007

9:00 am : Mike Swift (Rm 7369 CS)

9:30 am : David Dewitt (Rm 4363 CS)

10:00 am : ...

10:15 am : David Wood (Rm 6369 CS)

11:00 am : Mark Hill (Rm 6373 CS)

11:30 am : Lunch (Mark Hill)

1:00 pm : Parmesh (Room 2420 EH)

1:45 pm : Multifacet Students (location 5331 CS); Mike Marty to bring you from EH to CS.

2:30 pm : Multiscalar Students (location 5331 CS)

3:00 pm : Cristian Estan (Rm 7387 CS)

3:30 pm : Cookies before seminar (Rm 2310 CS)

4:00 pm : Seminar 1210 CS

5:15 pm : Jim Smith & Mikko's students (location?)

Dinner: Guri Sohi and Karu Sankaralingam

March 14, 2007
Leave: 9:30 AM