CS838 |
The CS 838 ReaderWARNING: This is the first part of the reader. There is more. I Just haven't assembled it yet!The papers repository is NOT on the web. (A small number of them are, and are linked to from the this page.). The papers archive is on AFS in ~cs838-1/public/Reader (thats P:/course/cs838-gleicher/public/Reader for those of you in Windows land). There you will find not only PDFs for the reader, but for the supplemental readings as well. Principles of Animation[Lasseter87] Principles of Traditional Animation Applied to 3D Computer Animation. John Lasseter. SIGGRAPH 87. History and Systems[Catmull72] A System for Computer Generated Movies. Ed Catmull. Proceedings of the 1972 ACM Annual Conference. [BW76] Interactive Skeleton Techniques for Enhancing Motion Dynamics in Key Frame Animation. N. Burtnyk and Marceli Wein. CACM, October 1976. [Litwin91] Inkwell: A System for 2 1/2 D Animation. Peter Litwinowicz. SIGGRAPH '91.
Film and CinematographyThe primary reading is a film book so that you can get the vocabulary and basic ideas of what film is about. [HB96] Movies in the Minds Eye. Hochberg and Brooks. from Post-Theory, edited by Boardwell and Carroll. Rotations and Kinematics[Grassia00] Motion Editing Fundamentals. F. Sebastian Grassia SIGGRAPH 2000 Course Notes: Motion Editing, Principles, Practice and Promise.
[Shoemake85] Animating Rotations With Quaternion Curves Ken Shoemake SIGGRAPH '85
[Grassia98] Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map F. Febastian Grassia Journal of Graphics Tools, 1998 [Maciejewski90] Dealing with the Ill-Conditioned Equations of Motion for Articulated Figures. Anthony Maciejewski. IEEE CG&A, May 1990 [TGB00] D. Tolani, A. Goswami, and N. Badler: "Real-time inverse kinematics techniques for anthropomorphic limbs." Graphical Models 62 (5), Sept. 2000, pp. 353-388. Human Figure Animation[Book1] Animation from Observation: Chapter 1. (unfinished draft of an unfinished book chapter) Michael Gleicher.
[Perlin94] Real-time Responsive Animation with Personality. Ken Perlin. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 1994. [MFGD99] Computer Animation of Human Walking: a Survey. Multon, Fance, Cani-Gascuel, and Debunne. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 1999 [Hodgins95] Animating Human Athletics. Jessica Hodgins, Wayne Wooten, David Brogan, and James O'Brien. SIGGRAPH '95 Motion Capture and Motion Editing[Shin01] Computer Puppetry, and Importance-Based Approach. Shin, Lee, Gleicher, and Shin. ACM TOG, April 2002. [Book13] A Simple Motion Capture Processor. (from my still unwritten book). [BookEdit] Motion Editing Techniques. (a chapter from a book even before it was going to be "my" book) [BW95] Motion Signal Processing. Armin Bruderlin and Lance Williams. SIGGRAPH '95 [WP95] Motion Warping. Andy Witkin and Zoran Popovic. SIGGRAPH '95. [Gleicher98] Retargetting Motion to New Characters. Michael Gleicher. SIGGRAPH '98. [LS99] A Hierarchical Approach to Interactive Motion Editing for Human-like Figures. Jehee Lee and Sung-Yong Shin. SIGGRAPH '99.
Character Display[Lewis00] Pose Space Deformation: A Unified Approach to Shape Interpolation and Skeleton-Driven Deformation. John Lewis, Matt Cordner, Nickson Fong. SIGGRAPH '00. PhysicsThe best introduction to this stuff is Andy Witkin and David Baraff's course notes. I have included the basic pieces here. An Introduction to Physically-Based Modeling. Beyond that, there is a lot of different things. I will probably choose some subset of them as the course progresses, depending on what people are interested in. Three that will definitely be required are: [Miller88] The Motion Dynamics of Snakes and Worms. Gavin Miller. SIGGRAPH '88.
[Reeves83] Particle Systems: A Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects. William Reeves. ACM ToG, 1983.
[BW98] Large Steps in Cloth Simulation. David Baraff and Andy Witkin. SIGGRAPH '98
Other StuffThis is just the beginning. I haven't picked out papers for facial animation, constraints, control, physical phenomena (fluids), geometry, ...
CS838 |
website (c) 2002, Michael
L. Gleicher