UW Graphics Group

CS 559: Computer Graphics
Fall 2001

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How we determined your grade:

Ultimately, grading this assignment is difficult since everyone does something different.

Xin and I spent a while coming up with criteria based on the requirements, and trying to see what assignments fit which categories. This was tough, since we faced decisions like "what if someone did good sampling for their half operation, one hard operation, and generally got the scripts right."

Ultimately, we came up with a detailed set of requirements for each grade.

For example, to get an A a program had to:

  • Do 2 "hard" extras (like arbitrary rotate, paint, arbitrary scale, ...)
  • Do floyd-steinberg dithering
  • Run all of the scripts
  • Do proper sampling for the half operation

Of course, there were some assignments that did something else to get an A.

To double check our scoring for the non-A assignments, we came up with a simple scheme that gives the same results as our "piles". Give one point for each of the following:

  • All hand in pieces in place
  • Compositing works
  • Compositing nearly perfect (or perfect)
  • Sampling done for half
  • Floyd-Steinberg Dithering
  • Able to use program
  • First hard extra
  • Second hard extra
  • Runs scripts 4-7
  • Did 3 extras

For assignments that didn't get As, you count up the number of these and map them to grades as follows: 8 or 9 points = AB, 6 or 7 points = B, 5 points = BC, 3 or fewer points = C.

The average grade on the assignment was 3.217 (between a B and an AB).

Here is a graph of number of lines of code vs. grade. Notice that some people got excellent grades with very few lines of code.

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Copyright (C) 2001 by Michael Gleicher
Last modified: 19:10 Nov 15, 2001