ยป The EH Model: Early Design Space Exploration of Intermittent Processor Architectures

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Joshua San Miguel, Karthik Ganesan, Mario Badr, Chunqiu Xia, Rose Li, Hsuan Hsiao, and Natalie D. Enright Jerger. The EH Model: Early Design Space Exploration of Intermittent Processor Architectures. In 51st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2018, Fukuoka, Japan, October 20-24, 2018, pp. 600-612, IEEE Computer Society, 2018.






   author    = {Joshua San Miguel and
                Karthik Ganesan and
                Mario Badr and
                Chunqiu Xia and
                Rose Li and
                Hsuan Hsiao and
                Natalie D. Enright Jerger},
   title     = {The {EH} Model: Early Design Space Exploration of Intermittent Processor
   booktitle = {51st Annual {IEEE/ACM} International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
                {MICRO} 2018, Fukuoka, Japan, October 20-24, 2018},
   pages     = {600--612},
   publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
   year      = {2018},
   url       = {https://doi.org/10.1109/MICRO.2018.00055},
   doi       = {10.1109/MICRO.2018.00055},
   timestamp = {Wed, 16 Oct 2019 14:14:55 +0200},
   biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micro/MiguelGBXLHJ18.bib},
   bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}

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