CS838-2: Special Topics: Computer Animation
Calendar Assignments Reader Projects (p1) (p2) Student Pages
graphics group

This will be the web page for Computer Animation, CS838-2, Spring 2001.

Unlike from previous years, there is no fancy web page. Look at last years if you want all that stuff.

Basic Info


Michael Gleicher
Office Hours: 1:30-3:30 Wed
or by appointment

TA Rob Iverson
(most often found in lab, 3370C)

MWF, 11-12:15 (see calendar)
Room 2310 CS&S

Course Requirements:

Grading will be mainly based on the projects, with some emphasis given to participation and the survey work.

  • A solid background in graphics
  • A willingness to try to do artistic things
  • An interest in animation
  • A required course reader is available at the DOIT store. It contains many papers, all of which will be required over the course of the semester.
  • Some other readings will be made available on the web
  • You will be required to read some of a film book. Some suggestions are here.
  • A number of other useful books are listed here.


Last modified: 23:14 Mar 8, 2001

(c) 2001 Michael Gleicher
UW CS Graphics Group