HTCondor 8.9.7 released!

May 20, 2020

The HTCondor team is pleased to announce the release of HTCondor 8.9.7. This development series release contains new features that are under development. This release contains all of the bug fixes from the 8.8.9 stable release. Enhancements in the release include: Multiple enhancements in the file transfer code; Support for more regions in s3:// URLs; Much more flexible job router language; Jobs may now specify cuda_version to match equally-capable GPUs; TOKENS are now called IDTOKENS to differentiate from SCITOKENS; Added the ability to blacklist TOKENS via an expression; Can simultaneously handle Kerberos and OAUTH credentials; The getenv submit command now supports a blacklist and whitelist; The startd supports a remote history query similar to the schedd; condor_q -submitters now works with accounting groups; Fixed a bug reading service account credentials for Google Compute Engine. Further details can be found in the Development Version History and the Stable Version History. HTCondor 8.9.7 binaries and source code are available from our Downloads page.