Solvers that use MW
MW has been a key enabling technology in solvers for some important
- The NUG30
Quadratic Assignment Problem was solved in June 2000 using a code
based on MW, an achievement that was widely reported in the media.
The resulting paper Solving Large Quadratic Assignment Problems on
Computational Grids, by Kurt Anstreicher, Nathan Brixius,
Jean-Pierre Goux, and Jeff Linderoth, was published in Mathematical
Programming 91 (2002), pp. 563-588. It won the SIAM Activity
Group in Optimization Prize in May 2002, for the best paper in
optimization published during the preceding three years.
- The code ATR for
two-stage linear stochastic programming with recourse, also based on
MW, was used to solve problems of unprecedented size and complexity,
and was used to explore the properties of various sampled
approximations to such problems. The paper
Decomposition algorithms for stochastic programming on a
computational grid by Jeff Linderoth and Stephen
Wright (Computational Optimization and
Applications 24 (2003), pp. 207-250) won the
prize for best paper in the journal Computational
Optimization and Applications for the year 2003.