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meta scheduler of the jobs submitted as the nodes of a DAG or DAGs


condor_dagman [-debug level] [-maxidle numberOfJobs] [-maxjobs numberOfJobs] [-maxpre NumberOfPREscripts] [-maxpost NumberOfPOSTscripts] [-noeventchecks] [-allowlogerror] [-usedagdir] -lockfile filename [-waitfordebug] [-autorescue 0|1] [-dorescuefrom number] -csdversion version_string [-allowversionmismatch] [-DumpRescue] [-verbose] [-force] [-notification value] [-suppress_notification] [-dont_suppress_notification] [-dagman DagmanExecutable] [-outfile_dir directory] [-update_submit] [-import_env] [-DontAlwaysRunPost] -dag dag_file [-dag dag_file_2 ... -dag dag_file_n ]


condor_dagman is a meta scheduler for the HTCondor jobs within a DAG (directed acyclic graph) (or multiple DAGs). In typical usage, a submitter of jobs that are organized into a DAG submits the DAG using condor_submit_dag. condor_submit_dag does error checking on aspects of the DAG and then submits condor_dagman as an HTCondor job. condor_dagman uses log files to coordinate the further submission of the jobs within the DAG.

As part of daemoncore, the set of command-line arguments given in section 3.9.2 work for condor_dagman.

Arguments to condor_dagman are either automatically set by condor_submit_dag or they are specified as command-line arguments to condor_submit_dag and passed on to condor_dagman. The method by which the arguments are set is given in their description below.

condor_dagman can run multiple, independent DAGs. This is done by specifying multiple -dag arguments. Pass multiple DAG input files as command-line arguments to condor_submit_dag.

Debugging output may be obtained by using the -debug level option. Level values and what they produce is described as


-debug level
An integer level of debugging output. level is an integer, with values of 0-7 inclusive, where 7 is the most verbose output. This command-line option to condor_submit_dag is passed to condor_dagman or defaults to the value 3.
-maxidle NumberOfJobs
Sets the maximum number of idle jobs allowed before condor_dagman stops submitting more jobs. If DAG nodes have a cluster with more than one job in it, each job in the cluster is counted individually. Once idle jobs start to run, condor_dagman will resume submitting jobs. NumberOfJobs is a positive integer. This command-line option to condor_submit_dag is passed to condor_dagman. If not specified, the number of idle jobs is unlimited. Note that nothing special is done to the submit description file. Setting queue 5000 in the submit description file, where -maxidle is set to 250 will result in a cluster of 5000 new jobs being submitted to the condor_schedd. In this case, condor_dagman will resume submitting jobs when the number of idle jobs falls below 250.
-maxjobs numberOfJobs
Sets the maximum number of clusters within the DAG that will be submitted to HTCondor at one time. numberOfJobs is a positive integer. This command-line option to condor_submit_dag is passed to condor_dagman. If not specified, the default number of clusters is unlimited. If a cluster contains more than one job, only the cluster is counted for purposes of maxjobs.
-maxpre NumberOfPREscripts
Sets the maximum number of PRE scripts within the DAG that may be running at one time. NumberOfPREScripts is a positive integer. This command-line option to condor_submit_dag is passed to condor_dagman. If not specified, the default number of PRE scripts is unlimited.
-maxpost NumberOfPOSTscripts
Sets the maximum number of POST scripts within the DAG that may be running at one time. NumberOfPOSTScripts is a positive integer. This command-line option to condor_submit_dag is passed to condor_dagman. If not specified, the default number of POST scripts is unlimited.
This argument is no longer used; it is now ignored. Its functionality is now implemented by the DAGMAN_ALLOW_EVENTS configuration macro (see section 3.3.25).
This optional argument has condor_dagman try to run the specified DAG, even in the case of detected errors in the user log specification. As of version 7.3.2, this argument has an effect only on DAGs containing Stork job nodes.
This optional argument causes condor_dagman to run each specified DAG as if the directory containing that DAG file was the current working directory. This option is most useful when running multiple DAGs in a single condor_dagman.
-lockfile filename
Names the file created and used as a lock file. The lock file prevents execution of two of the same DAG, as defined by a DAG input file. A default lock file ending with the suffix .dag.lock is passed to condor_dagman by condor_submit_dag.
This optional argument causes condor_dagman to wait at startup until someone attaches to the process with a debugger and sets the wait_for_debug variable in main_init() to false.
-autorescue 0|1
Whether to automatically run the newest rescue DAG for the given DAG file, if one exists (0 = false, 1 = true).
-dorescuefrom number
Forces condor_dagman to run the specified rescue DAG number for the given DAG. A value of 0 is the same as not specifying this option. Specifying a nonexistent rescue DAG is a fatal error.
-csdversion version_string
version_string is the version of the condor_submit_dag program. At startup, condor_dagman checks for a version mismatch with the condor_submit_dag version in this argument.
This optional argument causes condor_dagman to allow a version mismatch between condor_dagman itself and the .condor.sub file produced by condor_submit_dag (or, in other words, between condor_submit_dag and condor_dagman). WARNING! This option should be used only if absolutely necessary. Allowing version mismatches can cause subtle problems when running DAGs. (Note that, starting with version 7.4.0, condor_dagman no longer requires an exact version match between itself and the .condor.sub file. Instead, a "minimum compatible version" is defined, and any .condor.sub file of that version or newer is accepted.)
This optional argument causes condor_dagman to immediately dump a Rescue DAG and then exit, as opposed to actually running the DAG. This feature is mainly intended for testing. The Rescue DAG file is produced whether or not there are parse errors reading the original DAG input file. The name of the file differs if there was a parse error.
(This argument is included only to be passed to condor_submit_dag if lazy submit file generation is used for nested DAGs.) Cause condor_submit_dag to give verbose error messages.
(This argument is included only to be passed to condor_submit_dag if lazy submit file generation is used for nested DAGs.) Require condor_submit_dag to overwrite the files that it produces, if the files already exist. Note that dagman.out will be appended to, not overwritten. If new-style rescue DAG mode is in effect, and any new-style rescue DAGs exist, the -force flag will cause them to be renamed, and the original DAG will be run. If old-style rescue DAG mode is in effect, any existing old-style rescue DAGs will be deleted, and the original DAG will be run. Section 2.10.8 details rescue DAGs.
-notification value
(This argument is only included to be passed to condor_submit_dag if lazy submit file generation is used for nested DAGs.) Sets the e-mail notification for DAGMan itself. This information will be used within the HTCondor submit description file for DAGMan. This file is produced by condor_submit_dag. See notification within the section of submit description file commands in the condor_submit manual page on page [*] for specification of value.
-dagman DagmanExecutable
(This argument is included only to be passed to condor_submit_dag if lazy submit file generation is used for nested DAGs.) Allows the specification of an alternate condor_dagman executable to be used instead of the one found in the user's path. This must be a fully qualified path.
-outfile_dir directory
(This argument is included only to be passed to condor_submit_dag if lazy submit file generation is used for nested DAGs.) Specifies the directory in which the .dagman.out file will be written. The directory may be specified relative to the current working directory as condor_submit_dag is executed, or specified with an absolute path. Without this option, the .dagman.out file is placed in the same directory as the first DAG input file listed on the command line.
(This argument is included only to be passed to condor_submit_dag if lazy submit file generation is used for nested DAGs.) This optional argument causes an existing .condor.sub file to not be treated as an error; rather, the .condor.sub file will be overwritten, but the existing values of -maxjobs, -maxidle, -maxpre, and -maxpost will be preserved.
(This argument is included only to be passed to condor_submit_dag if lazy submit file generation is used for nested DAGs.) This optional argument causes condor_submit_dag to import the current environment into the environment command of the .condor.sub file it generates.
-dag filename
filename is the name of the DAG input file that is set as an argument to condor_submit_dag, and passed to condor_dagman.
This option causes condor_dagman to observe the exit status of the PRE script when deciding whether or not to run the POST script. Versions of condor_dagman previous to HTCondor version 7.7.2 would not run the POST script if the PRE script exited with a nonzero status, but this default has been changed such that the POST script will run, regardless of the exit status of the PRE script. Using this option restores the previous behavior, in which condor_dagman will not run the POST script if the PRE script fails.
Causes jobs submitted by condor_dagman to not send email notification for events. The same effect can be achieved by setting the configuration variable DAGMAN_SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATION to True. This command line option is independent of the -notification command line option, which controls notification for the condor_dagman job itself. This flag is generally superfluous, as DAGMAN_SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATION defaults to True.
Causes jobs submitted by condor_dagman to defer to content within the submit description file when deciding to send email notification for events. The same effect can be achieved by setting the configuration variable DAGMAN_SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATION to False. This command line flag is independent of the -notification command line option, which controls notification for the condor_dagman job itself. If both -dont_suppress_notification and -suppress_notification are specified within the same command line, the last argument is used.

Exit Status

condor_dagman will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


condor_dagman is normally not run directly, but submitted as an HTCondor job by running condor_submit_dag. See the condor_submit_dag manual page [*] for examples.


Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Copyright © 1990-2013 Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the HTCondor Version 8.0.1 Manual or for additional notices.

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