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Query or set a given HTCondor configuration variable


condor_config_val [options] [-config] [-verbose] variable [variable ... ]

condor_config_val [options] -set string [string ... ]

condor_config_val [options] -rset string [string ... ]

condor_config_val [options] -unset variable [variable ... ]

condor_config_val [options] -runset variable [variable ... ]

condor_config_val [options] -tilde

condor_config_val [options] -owner

condor_config_val [options] -config

condor_config_val -dump [-expand] [-verbose]


condor_config_val can be used to quickly see what the current HTCondor configuration is on any given machine. Given a list of variables, condor_config_val will report what each of these variables is currently set to. If a given variable is not defined, condor_config_val will halt on that variable, and report that it is not defined. By default, condor_config_val looks in the local machine's configuration files in order to evaluate the variables.

condor_config_val can also be used to quickly set configuration variables for a specific daemon on a given machine. Each daemon remembers settings made by condor_config_val. The configuration file is not modified by this command. Persistent settings remain when the daemon is restarted. Runtime settings are lost when the daemon is restarted. In general, modifying a host's configuration with condor_config_val requires the CONFIG access level, which is disabled on all hosts by default. Administrators have more fine-grained control over which access levels can modify which settings. See section 3.6.1 on page [*] for more details on security settings.

The -verbose option displays the configuration file name and line number where a configuration variable is defined.

Any changes made by condor_config_val will not take effect until condor_reconfig is invoked.

It is generally wise to test a new configuration on a single machine to ensure that no syntax or other errors in the configuration have been made before the reconfiguration of many machines. Having bad syntax or invalid configuration settings is a fatal error for HTCondor daemons, and they will exit. It is far better to discover such a problem on a single machine than to cause all the HTCondor daemons in the pool to exit.

The -set option sets one or more persistent configuration file entries. The string must be a single argument, so enclose it in double quote marks. A string must be of the form "variable = value". Use of the -set option implies the use of configuration variables SETTABLE_ATTRS... (see 3.3.5), ENABLE_PERSISTENT_CONFIG (see 3.3.5), and HOSTALLOW... (see 3.3.5).

The -rset option sets one or more runtime configuration file entries. The string must be a single argument, so enclose it in double quote marks. A string must be of the form "variable = value". Use of the -rset option implies the use of configuration variables SETTABLE_ATTRS... (see 3.3.5), ENABLE_RUNTIME_CONFIG (see 3.3.5), and HOSTALLOW... (see 3.3.5).

The -unset option changes one or more persistent configuration file entries to their previous value.

The -runset option changes one or more runtime configuration file entries to their previous value.

The -tilde option displays the path to the HTCondor home directory.

The -owner option displays the owner of the condor_config_val process.

The -config option displays the current configuration files in use.

The -dump option displays a list of all of the defined macros in the configuration files found by condor_config_val, along with their values. If the -verbose option is supplied as well, then the specific configuration file which defined each variable, along with the line number of its definition is also printed. NOTE: The output of this argument is likely to change in a future revision of HTCondor. If the -expand option is given in addition to the -dump option, then variable values in the configuration files are expanded before being printed out.


-name machine_name
Query the specified machine's condor_master daemon for its configuration. Does not function together with any of the options: -dump, -config, or -verbose.
-pool centralmanagerhostname[:portnumber]
Use the given central manager and an optional port number to find daemons.
-address $<$ip:port$>$
Connect to the given IP address and port number.
-master | -schedd | -startd | -collector | -negotiator
The specific daemon to query.
Inspect the values of attributes that use local names.
The value of the requested parameter will be evaluated with respect to the ClassAd of that daemon.

Exit Status

condor_config_val will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


Here is a set of examples to show a sequence of operations using condor_config_val. To request the condor_schedd daemon on host perdita to display the value of the MAX_JOBS_RUNNING configuration variable:

   % condor_config_val -name perdita -schedd MAX_JOBS_RUNNING

To request the condor_schedd daemon on host perdita to set the value of the MAX_JOBS_RUNNING configuration variable to the value 10.

   % condor_config_val -name perdita -schedd -set "MAX_JOBS_RUNNING = 10"
   Successfully set configuration "MAX_JOBS_RUNNING = 10" on 
   schedd <>.

A command that will implement the change just set in the previous example.

   % condor_reconfig -schedd perdita
   Sent "Reconfig" command to schedd

A re-check of the configuration variable reflects the change implemented:

   % condor_config_val -name perdita -schedd MAX_JOBS_RUNNING

To set the configuration variable MAX_JOBS_RUNNING back to what it was before the command to set it to 10:

   % condor_config_val -name perdita -schedd -unset MAX_JOBS_RUNNING
   Successfully unset configuration "MAX_JOBS_RUNNING" on 
   schedd <>.

A command that will implement the change just set in the previous example.

   % condor_reconfig -schedd perdita
   Sent "Reconfig" command to schedd

A re-check of the configuration variable reflects that variable has gone back to is value before initial set of the variable:

   % condor_config_val -name perdita -schedd MAX_JOBS_RUNNING


Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Copyright © 1990-2013 Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the HTCondor Version 7.9.6 Manual or for additional notices.

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