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CS777 - Computer Animation
![]() who are these guys? and what are they doing on my class web page? |
Instructor: Michael
Gleicher Class Meetings: MWF 11:00-12:15 |
The only things that will have grades assigned are the two projects. The exact weighting between them for the final grade is to be determined. Probably 40%/60%.
Everything else is check/no check, and factors into your grade multiplicatively. So if you only do 3 out of 4 art assignments (75%), your final grade is 75% of what you get for the projects.
Getting a zero in something like participation would be devistating to you as 0 times anything is zero. Failing this class would be bad for both of us.
This class is over-scheduled (e.g. it is scheduled for 225 minutes per week, although it is only a 3 hour class). This was done so we can cancel approximately 1/3 of the lectures. I will give you as much warning as possible for this so you can plan to take advantage of days off.
Everything in this class will be done in a group. The art assignments and project 1 will be done in pairs, project 2 will be done in groups of 4.
I want to encourage everyone to work with different partners for each project. I have not decided whether this will be the rule or just a suggestion. So if there's someone who you really want to do project 2 with, don't work with them on the art assignments, since you might not be able to have the same partners for 2 different things.
Everyone in the group will get the same grade for the project. Working in groups is tough, especially in classes. Unlike the real world, there are no managers, the groups are short lived so you don't have time to learn to to work together, ...
I recommend you read this article from the Tomorrow's Professor mailing list (a great mailing list for soon-to-be and new faculty members). I am willing to help you work out group personnel issues. My success rate with group work in this class has gotten pretty good (last year no groups imploded).
Please try to do things on time. If you make every reasonable effort to get things done on time, I will try to accomodate you.
Often, deadlines are truly "hard." For example, if we are going to show art projects in class, you really will have to get them to us beforehand so we can make sure that they can be shown. The checkpoints for the projects really are there so we can keep you on track and avoid crises at the end. (OK, crises at the end aren't completely avoidable, but by keeping you on track, we can raise the probability of your success).
For this class, you will have access to the Win2K computing facilities in the CS department (the ones in B240 CS&S are particularly good for doing graphics stuff). You are welcome to use any computers you want.
For many of the assignments and projects, we will ask you to use a commercial animation package. Since Maya is the only one we can provide to you, it is the one we recommend. If you want to use something else, please talk to me so I can talk you out of it. I am not sure if Maya is the best animation system out there, but it is the one we can provide everyone access with, and there is a big advantage to everyone using the same thing.
As of today, I have not decided what I am doing about the readings for this class. In the beginning I will provide PDFs of papers and some paper copies.