May 7
- Advanced rendering methods
- Lecture notes
- Homework 6 due.
- Class evaluations.
May 9
April 30
May 2
April 23
April 25
April 16
- Hermite curves
- Bezier curves
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Part 9, Sections 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 of the
reader "Three-Dimensional Object
Representations" by Hearn and Baker.
April 18
- Bezier continuity
- Bezier surfaces
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Part 9, Section 10.8 of the reader "Three-Dimensional Object
Representations" by Hearn and Baker.
April 9
- Polygonal Modeling
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Chapter 2 of the OpenGL Programming Guide and
part 9, section 10.1 of the reader "Three-Dimensional Object
Representations" by Hearn and Baker.
April 11
- More object representations
- Lecture notes
- Homework 5 available.
Due April 23 in class.
- Reading: Part 9, sections 10-5, 10-14 and 10-15 of the reader:
"Three-Dimensional Object Representations" by Hearn and Baker.
April 2
- Texture Mapping
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Chapter 9 of the OpenGL Programming Guide and
part 10 of the reader "Texturing" by Moller and Haines.
April 4
Mar 19
- Hidden surface removal
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Chapters 4 and 5 of the OpenGL Programming Guide
- Homework 4 due in class.
Mar 21
Mar 12
- Hidden surface removal
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Chapter 3 of Shirley's book (the second reader).
Mar 14
- BSP visibility
- An exact visibility algorithm
- Intro to Lighting and Shading
- Lecture notes
Mar 5
- Drawing Lines
- Filling Polygons
- Lecture notes
- Homework 3 due in class.
- Reading: Sections 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 of Part 7 of the reader: "Basic
Raster Graphics Algorithms."
Mar 7
- Filling Polygons
- Hidden Surface Removal
- Lecture notes
- Homework 4 available.
Due March 19 in class. It will graded and available for collection
before the midterm.
- Reading: Part 8 of the reader: "Elimination of Hidden Surfaces",
sections 13.1 - 13.5, but some of it will be covered in the next
Feb 26
- Perspective Projection
- Clipping
- Lecture notes
- Readings: Sections 2.3 and 2.4 of Shirley. There are some errors in
text, so trust the lecture notes where there is a conflict.
Feb 28
- Clipping
- Lecture notes
- Reading: Sections 3.9 - 3.11 of Part 7 of the reader: "Basic
Raster Graphics Algorithms."
Feb 19
- Graphics Toolkits
- Transformations
- Lecture notes
- Homework 2 due in class
- Readings: Chapter 1 of the second reader (Excerpt from Peter Shirley's
"Fundamentals of Computer Graphcis")
Feb 21
Feb 12
Feb 14
Feb 5
- Digital Halftoning and Dithering
- Signal Processing Basics
- Lecture notes
- Homework 1 due in class.
- Reading: Section 1 of the reader.
Feb 7
- Sampling and Reconstruction
- Lecture notes for this topic,
which cover it in a different way to that used by Prof. Gleicher
in class. Prof. Gleicher's method is more intuitive.
- Readings: Sections 2 and 3 of the reader (signal processing).
Jan 29
Jan 31
- Image File Formats
- Color Quantization
- Lecture notes
- Assignment 2, which is
also not graded, but will help finish preparing you for project 1.
Jan 22
Jan 24