October 28 - The "draft"
version didn't seem to need much change. The only addition is a few comments
on grading.
Project 2:
Trains and Roller Coasters
In this assignment, you must create a program that allows the user to
create a train track and to animate a train that moves along the track.
You should allow the user to place other objects into the world (so that
there's scenery for the train). Finally, you should allow the user to
create tracks that aren't just on the ground (to make a rollercoaster,
not just a train).
The purposes of this assignment are to give you an experience writing
an interactive 3D program, and exposure to working with curves. Therefore,
for this assignment, getting basic 3D functionality (such as viewing and
view control) and getting the curves right are essential to the grade.
Getting the program to look nice is less important (it's a good added
feature, but there will be another assignment that focuses on this later
in the semester).
You are to write this program doing the drawing with the OpenGL graphics
library under Windows. You may use whatever user interface tools you wish
(we recommend FlTk, but GLUT would be an acceptible alternative). See
the GL Survival kit for thoughts on this.

my example train program
Pep Talk, Ground Rules, and Grading
This project may seem intimidating at first: you need to create a world,
allow the user to view the world, put a train track into the world, let
the user manipulate the train track, make a train that moves along the
track, ...
This is quite daunting, especially if this will be your first time writing
a 3D graphics program or working with curves.
Project 1 may have seemed big, but it was easily broken down into a series
of smaller (and independent) pieces. This assignment does not break into
pieces as easily. Instead, you might be better off trying to tackle this
problem in phases.
Because of the way that grading works, it is more important to get the
basic parts of the assignment correct than to make fancier features. If
you make a very simple train that moves correctly along the track, and
give the user a very basic way to specify the track, you will be much
better off than if you made very fancy scenery, but don't have a working
train. Towards the end of this assignment, we'll talk more about how grading
is to be done.
Be sure to think and plan BEFORE you write any code. Having a general
strategy about how to tackle this project is the key to doing it. It's
too big to swallow whole.
Many of the things in this project will be discussed in class. As you
read the project, you will see terms like "Frenet Frames" and
"B-Splines" and "Arc-Length Parameterization" that
you may not understand yet. We will get to these in class. My suggestion
is to start working on aspects of the project that you do understand and
add these other features as we get to them in class. In terms of curves,
you might start by just considering how to place the control points in
3D. Later on, you'll learn how to create the curve.
There are some basic "skills" you need to accomplish in order
to build this project. I suggest that you start with those. First write
a program that draws something with OpenGL. Then write a program that
animates something with OpenGL (see my "RunButton" code).
Then try to do something in 3D....
You are permitted to use the example code (remember to attribute code
that you get from elsewhere), user interface toolkits, "general purpose"
data structure libraries (like the STL), and OpenGL. If there is some
other code that you would like to use, please ask first.
A basic version of this project is probably in the 1000 line range.
You can play with my example to get ideas as to
what it should do.
Getting Started in 3D
For many of you, this will be the first time you've written a 3D program
with OpenGL (or even period). With other projects, we first gave you homework
that forced you to learn the basics of how to use the programming tools.
Because of time constraints, we did not do that with this project.
Hopefully, all of the mathematics of 3D programming were explained in
the discussions in class. The OpenGL book does a good job at explaining
how these ideas are mapped to the specific code that you need to write.
I recommend that you try something simple to make sure that you have
all of the pieces. For example, try writing a simple program that displays
a simple 3D object (like a cube) hovering over a "floor." Use this program
to try out the basic features that you need: setting up material properties
and lighting, providing the user with control of the viewpoint, and moving
objects around. To get started, look at the example programs provided
for the programming assignments.
Making the Track
You must allow the user to specify a train track that is a curve along
the floor. You must draw the track along the ground, as well as drawing
the ground as a flat plane. (and advanced feature would be to have non-flat
The simplest thing would be to allow the user to place a series of points
along the floor and to create an interpolating cubic spline (e.g. a cardinal
spline) between the points. You should use a curve that is at least
C(1) continuous. (If you're stuck, you can make the track out of straight
segments, however, your train will look silly when it makes abrupt turns!
You might want to give a more controllable curve (like a Bezier and allow
the user to control the tangents). Or, you might want to make tracks that
are C(2) continuous since they will lead to better train motions. The
sample solution uses Cardinal splines as well as periodic, uniform, cubic
Specifying the track is actually a 2D problem. It is probably easier
to create a 2D user interface than it is to create a 3D user interface.
This is totally acceptable. The easiest user interface would force the
user to type coordinate points in.
A non-graphical interface (e.g. requiring the user to type in the coordinates
of the points) is clearly less desirable than one that allows the user
to drag points around. However, it is more important to make sure you
can make a train move around the track than to have a nice interface.
The track should be a loop, always.
User Interfaces in 3D
Controlling things interactively in 3D is a very hard problem. Especially
given that your only input device is a 2D pointer (the mouse). (well,
there's the keyboard too).
As a starting point, you probably want to focus on giving the user control
of a bunch of points in space that will serve as the control points for
the curve. This will let you work on the 3D interface aspects and the
curve aspects independently.
The most basic user interface would force the user to type in all coordinates.
While this is undesireable, it is probably better for you to implement
this first, get the other parts of the assignment working (drawing the
track and train), and then improve your interface as time permits.
Another strategy for the interface is to treat it as a 2D problem. Give
the user a "top" view of the "world," and allow them to do things in 2D.
This will be completely suffificient until you get to roller
Advanced interfaces might allow the user to sketch the curve of the track.
There were some cool ideas on curve sketching in 3D - let me know if you
want more info on this.
The Train
You should make a train that can move along the track. The train needs
to point in the correct direction. It is acceptable if the center of the
train is on the track and pointing in the diretion of the tangent to the
track. Technically, the front and back wheels of the train should be on
the track (and they swivel with respect to the train). If you implement
this level of detail, please say so in your documentation. It will look
In order to correctly orient the train, you must define
a coordinate system whose orientation moves along with the curve. The
tangent to the curve only provides one direction. You must somehow come
up with the other two directions to provide an entire coordinate frame.
For a flat track, this isn't too difficult. (you know which way is up).
However, when you have a roller coaster, things become more complicated.
In fact, the sample solution is wrong in that it will break if the train
does a loop.
The sample solution defines the coordinate frame as follows:
(note: you might want to play with the sample solution to understand the
effects of this)
- The tangent vector is used to define the forward (positive Z) direction.
- The "right" axis (positive X) is defined by the cross product of
the world up vector (Y axis) and the forward vector.
- The local "up" axis is defined by the cross product of the first
A more advanced train would be made out of several cars that remain attached
as the train moves around the track. In this case, each car must point
in the correct direction. This is actually kindof tricky to implement,
but is a good challenge for the mathematically inclined. (you need to
figure out an arc-length parameterization for the curve).
The most basic train would be drawn as a rectangular box. Hopefully,
you will choose to make something nicer looking.
Drawing your tracks as tracks (e.g. with parallel rails and planks going
across) would be very cool, but is a challenging advanced feature (since
you need to figure out how to make parallel curves and to make the cross
pieces be evenly spaced).
You must allow the user to animate the train driving along the track.
Note: probably, your track will have different parameterizations as the
train moves along it. A basic implementation would have the train moving
with a constant velocity in parameter space. A more advanced implementation
would give the user the option of having the train move with a constant
velocity in its position. If you implement constant velocity motion, you
should allow the user to switch this on and off to emphasize the difference.
You must give the user the option of either viewing the "whole world"
or viewing out the front of the train. If the user is looking out the
front of the train, and the train is being animated, the user should see
what it would look like to ride the train.
The World
You should allow the user to place objects other than the train tracks
into your world. Placing colored cubes in the world is OK. Placing more
complicated objects would make your project more interesting. The goal
is to allow for some scenery to view as the train drives along.
You should use lighting to make your world look nicer.
One desireable advanced feature would be to allow the user to position
a light, and to use this light not only for object lighting but also to
position hack shadows (as will be described in class).
You must allow the user to switch between a view out the front of the
train and a "birds-eye" view of the whole world (required for editing).
For the latter, you should give the user some kind of control over their
viewpoint, such as a virtual trackball.
You may also want to provide 2D (orthographic or plan) views of the world,
such as a top view. These views are convenient for user
Roller Coasters
A Roller Coaster is simply a train in which the track isn't flat. This
is probably simple for you to do if you implemented your train correctly.
To make a good roller coaster (e.g. for a more advanced project):
You need to have a good way to determine which way is up for the rider
of the roller coaster (e.g. you know 1 direction in the Frenet frame,
so you need to pick a twist around the forward axis). You might give the
user the ability to specify the twist along the track (as a parameter
that gets interpolated), or simply compute it in some reasonable way.
Roller coasters do not go at constant velocities - they speed up and
slow down. Simulating this (in a simple way) isn't that difficult, and
would make for a good advanced feature. Remember that Kinetic Energy -
Potential Energy should remain constant (or decrease based on friction).
This lets you compure what the velocity should be based on how high the
roller coaster is.
What it looks like
A basic assignment might just draw simple lines and boxes. I am hoping
that you'll put some effort into making it look nicer, but creating more
interesting objects in your world, or other things to make your world
more attractive, ...
The Sample Answer
Two programs you can play with are in p:/course/cs559-gleicher/public/bin.
My train program (from 1999) and Rob Iverson's train program (also from
My assignment fails some of the basic criteria (you can't make scenery),
and does only very simple drawing. However, it should give you some ideas.
However, it does let you see different curve types for the track, do
the different kinds of viewing, and animate the "train" (including riding
it). I implemented "constant velocity" using the tangent magnitude
approximation described in class. You can move the light around, and see
the hacked shadows move around.
When you drag a point, it moves parallel to the ground plane. If you
hold down the control key, you drag the point perpendicular to the ground
plane (up and down).
Rob's train program is much better - its really above and beyond the
call of duty. It has just about every advanced feature, and then some.
For a completely absurd assignment, check out RocketCoaster,
but remember, it was done by two students with an excess of time on their

Rob Iverson's Train Program (from 1999)
So what do I need to do?
(and what grade will I get?)
Signs of Life |
- You have a world
- You can manipulate points in the world
- You can control viewing
Basic |
- You have a track that is a loop
- You can make the train go around the track
- You have a train view
Better |
- The train is oriented correctly in 2D
- You have scenery
- You support C1 and C2 curves
- You have a 3D user interface
Features |
- Your train is oriented correctly in 3D
- You have constant velocity
- You have conservation of momentumn (easy once you have constant
velocity, actually)
- You have a nice looking train
- You have rail ties and/or parallel rails (the latter is difficult)
Awesome Features |
- Your train is really correctly oriented in 3D (e.g. you can
do a loop)
- You have a sketch-based interface
- You can save and load tracks
- You have people on your roller coaster
- You have done something so cool that I can't even imagine it
before I see it.
But What Grade will I get?
It's hard to say beforehand, because we do adjust the grading depending
on how people do. To get a B, you probably have to have most of the "Better"
features. To get an "A" you should have most of the Advanced
What you will turn in...
Into your handin directory, you will need to provide the complete source
code, project files, and workspace files. You will need to provide a README.txt
file explaining what each file you hand in is. You will need to provide
a text file called "DOCUMENTATION.TXT" that can serve as a user manual
for your program, describing which features you implemented, and how they
are accessed.
We may ask you to answer questions about your project. If we do this,
we'll provide them later.