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Tools available (and useful) for the class.

Books for the class. Including optional references.


These are notes on some topics that are of interest to the class.

  • Signal Processing - These notes were written for a more advanced course, but ignore the bits about motion editing and it will help you learn signal processing.
  • Image Scaling - A very brief discussion of how to enlarge images. Mainly useful for implementing the project, but also good as an introduction to image interpolation.
  • Gamma - A book chapter on an important, but often overlooked, topic.
  • Compositing - Pointers to where you can learn about this.


These are not meant to replace the manuals, but they can help you get started.

  • FlTk Tutorial - tells you how to get an FlTk program to compile under the CSL environment.
  • OpenGL Survival Kit - tells you how to compile an OpenGL program in the CS environment, connect OpenGL and FlTk, and give you some OpenGL basics, including how to do picking.

Last modified: 19:36 Sep 25, 2000
(c) 2000 Michael Gleicher