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Static Analysis to Enhance the Power of Model Checking for Concurrent Software Edmund Clarke, Thomas Reps, and Somesh Jha The CMU-Wisconsin software model checking project employs methods from both static analysis and model checking to verify properties of software. In particular, we employ static analysis as a tool to construct abstract models on which model checking will be subsequently performed. |
Vulnerability and Information Flow Analysis of COTS Somesh Jha, Barton Miller, and Thomas Reps We develop analysis techniques especially suited for commercial off-the-shelf components. We combine techniques from static analysis (such as program slicing, shape analysis, and alias analysis), model checking (such as rely-guarantee reasoning), specifications for security policy expression (such as security automata), and formalisms for expressing information flow (such as secure flow typing and decentralized labels). |
These projects are sponsored by the Office of Naval Research under the Critical Infrastructure Protection and High Confidence, Adaptable Software Research Program of the URI.
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Hotel Information
The conference hotel is a Holiday Inn in downtown Baltimore, Maryland. A special booking rate is available to conference attendees.
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This page modified November 20, 2003.