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This page lists where all our hardware stuff is located. It should be kept as updated as possible.

Desktop machines:

  • Vlad: Syrinx (1GHz Dell), permanently unavailable, 3360 network infrastructure

Mesh boxes (including WiFi cards etc.):

  • Vlad: 1 mesh box, available if you replace the CPU fan
  • Jongwon: 3 mesh-boxes with 3 MIMO PCI cards.
  • Sayandeep: 2 mesh box with 1 Netgrear PCI card , 3 mesh boxes time shared with Jongwon


  • Vlad: Old Dell, available if you really need it, being used for 3360 network testing
  • Sayandeep: R-60, T61, X-60
  • C027507 Eee PC + Sprint Novatel Wireless Ovation U727 + GPS (Rob Madden and Andy Lavoy)

Phones: * suman-hh-0: 00-1f-5d-3d-33-6d * suman-hh-1: 00-1f-5d-3d-33-68 * 00-1f-5d-3d-33-7d

Other hardware:

  • Sayandeep: 1 cisco PCMCIA card (with R60),
hardware-location.1229904031.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/12/21 18:00 by sdsen