This class serves as a holder for worker classes before they go to die
This class serves as a holder for worker classes before they go to die. It holds the workers until a makestats() call is made, at which point it generates some statistics, given the workers.
void gather( void* )
void makestats()
void get_stats(double *average_bench, double *equivalent_bench, double *min_bench, double *max_bench, double *av_present_workers, double *av_nonsusp_workers, double *av_active_workers, double *equi_pool_performance, double *equi_run_time, double *parallel_performance, double *wall_time, MWList *workerlist )
void update_best_bench_results( double bres )
void write_checkpoint( FILE *cfp, MWList *wlist )
void read_checkpoint( FILE *cfp )
double* uptimes
double* workingtimes
double* cputimes
double* susptimes
Normalized Statistics. MW computes "normalized" statistics
double max_bench_result
double min_bench_result
double* sumbenchmark
int* numbenchmark
double mean( double *array, int length )
double var( double *array, int length, int mean )
int get_max_vid()
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling