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Manage and configure the clusters to be accessed.


bosco_cluster [-h || --help]

bosco_cluster [-l || --list] [-a || --add <host> $[$schedd$]$] [-r || --remove <host>] [-s || --status <host>] [-t || --test <host>]


bosco_cluster is part of the Bosco system for accessing high throughput computing resources from a local desktop. For detailed information, please see the Bosco web site:

bosco_cluster enables management and configuration of the computing resources the Bosco tools access; these are called clusters.

A <host> is of the form


Print usage information and exit.
List all installed clusters.
--remove <host>
Remove an already installed cluster, where the cluster is identified by <host>.
--add <host> [scheduler]
Install and add a cluster defined by <host>. The optional scheduler specifies the scheduler on the cluster. Valid values are pbs, lsf, condor, sge or slurm. If not given, the default will be pbs.
--status <host>
Query and print the status of an already installed cluster, where the cluster is identified by <host>.
--test <host>
Attempt to submit a test job to an already installed cluster, where the cluster is identified by <host>.


Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Copyright © 1990-2018 Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
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