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6.1 Web Service
HTCondor's Web Service (WS) API provides a way for application developers
to interact with HTCondor, without needing to utilize
HTCondor's command-line tools.
In keeping with the HTCondor philosophy of reliability and fault-tolerance,
this API is designed to provide a simple and powerful way
to interact with HTCondor.
HTCondor daemons understand and implement
the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) XML API
to provide a web service interface for HTCondor job submission
and management.
To deal with the issues of reliability and fault-tolerance,
a two-phase commit mechanism to provides a transaction-based protocol.
The following API description describes interaction
between a client using the API and both the condor_schedd and
condor_collector daemons to illustrate transactions
for use in job submission, queue management and ClassAd
management functions.
6.1.1 Transactions
All applications using the API to interact with the condor_schedd
will need to use transactions.
A transaction is
an ACID unit of work (atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable).
The API limits the lifetime of a transaction,
and both the client (application) and the server
(the condor_schedd daemon)
may place a limit on the lifetime.
The server reserves the right to specify a maximum
duration for a transaction.
The client initiates a transaction using the
beginTransaction() method.
It ends the transaction with either
a commit (using commitTransaction())
or an abort (using abortTransaction()).
Not all operations in the API need to be performed within a
Some accept a null transaction.
A null transaction is a SOAP message with
<transaction xsi:type="ns1:Transaction" xsi:nil="true"/>
Often this is achieved by passing the programming
language's equivalent of null
in place of a transaction identifier.
It is possible that some operations will have access to more
information when they are used inside a transaction. For instance, a
query would have access to the jobs that are pending in a
transaction, which are not committed and therefore not visible
outside of the transaction.
Transactions are as ACID compliant as possible.
Therefore, do not query for information
outside of a transaction on which to make a decision inside a
transaction based on the query's results.
6.1.2 Job Submission
A ClassAd is required to describe a job.
The job ClassAd will be
submitted to the condor_schedd within a transaction
using the submit() method.
The complexity of job ClassAd creation may be simplified
by the createJobTemplate() method.
It returns an instance of a ClassAd structure that may be
further modified.
A necessary part of the job ClassAd are the job attributes
ClusterId and ProcId, which uniquely identify
the cluster and the job within a cluster.
Allocation and assignment of (monotonically increasing)
ClusterId values utilize the newCluster() method.
Jobs may be submitted within the assigned cluster only until
the newCluster() method is invoked a subsequent time.
Each job is allocated and assigned a (monotonically increasing)
ProcId within the current cluster using the newJob()
Therefore, the sequence of method calls to submit a set of jobs
initially calls newCluster().
This is followed by calls to newJob() and then submit()
for each job within the cluster.
As an example, here are sample cluster and job numbers that
result from the ordered calls to submission methods:
- A call to newCluster(), assigns a ClusterId of 6.
- A call to newJob(), assigns a ProcId of 0, as
this is the first job within the cluster.
- A call to submit() results in a job submission numbered 6.0.
- A call to newJob(), assigns a ProcId of 1.
- A call to submit() results in a job submission numbered 6.1.
- A call to newJob(), assigns a ProcId of 2.
- A call to submit() results in a job submission numbered 6.2.
- A call to newCluster(), assigns a ClusterId of 7.
- A call to newJob(), assigns a ProcId of 0, as
this is the first job within the cluster.
- A call to submit() results in a job submission numbered 7.0.
- A call to newJob(), assigns a ProcId of 1.
- A call to submit() results in a job submission numbered 7.1.
There is the
potential that a call to submit() will fail.
Failure means that the
job is in the queue,
and it typically indicates that
something needed by the job has not been sent.
As a result the job has no hope in successfully running.
It is possible to recover from
such a failure by trying to resend information that the job will
need. It is also completely acceptable to abort and make another
attempt. To simplify the client's effort in figuring out what the job
requires, a discoverJobRequirements() method accepting a
job ClassAd and
returning a list of things that should be sent along with the job is
6.1.3 File Transfer
A common job submission case requires the job's
executable and input files to be transferred
from the machine where the application is running
to the machine where the condor_schedd daemon is running.
This is the analogous situation to running condor_submit
using the -spool or -remote option.
The executable and input files must be sent directly to
the condor_schedd daemon, which places all files
in a spool location.
The two methods
and sendFile() work in tandem to transfer files
to the condor_schedd daemon.
The declareFile() method causes the condor_schedd daemon
to create the file in its spool location,
or indicate in its return value that the file already exists.
This increases efficiency,
as resending an existing file is a waste of resources.
The sendFile() method sends
base64 encoded data.
sendFile() may be used to send an
entire file, or chunks of files as desired.
The declareFile() method has both required and
optional arguments.
declareFile() requires the name of the file
and its size in bytes.
The optional arguments relate hash information.
A hash type of NOHASH disables file verification;
the condor_schedd daemon will not have a reliable way
to determine the existence of the file being declared.
Methods for retrieving files are most useful when a job is completed.
Consider the categorization of the typical life-cycle for a job:
- Birth:
- The birth of a job begins with submit().
- Childhood:
- The job executes.
- Middle Age:
- A completed job waits to be removed.
As the job enters Middle Age,
its JobStatus ClassAd attribute becomes Completed (the value 4).
- Old Age:
- The job's information goes into the history log.
Once the job enters Middle Age,
the getFile() method retrieves a file.
The listSpool() method assists by providing
a list of all the job's files in the spool location.
The job enters Old Age by the application's use of the
closeSpool() method.
It causes the condor_schedd daemon to remove the
job from the queue,
and the job's spool files are no longer available.
As there is no requirement for the application to invoke
the closeSpool() method,
jobs can potentially remain in the queue forever.
The configuration variable SOAP_LEAVE_IN_QUEUE
may mitigate this problem.
When this boolean variable evaluates to False,
a job enters Old Age.
A reasonable example for this configuration variable is
SOAP_LEAVE_IN_QUEUE = ((JobStatus==4) && ((ServerTime - CompletionDate) < (60 * 60 * 24)))
This expression results in Old age for a job (removed from the queue),
once the job has been Middle Aged (been completed) for 24 hours.
6.1.4 Implementation Details
HTCondor daemons understand and communicate using the
SOAP XML protocol.
An application seeking to use this protocol
will require code that handles the communication.
The XML WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
that HTCondor implements is included with the
HTCondor distribution.
It is in $(RELEASE_DIR)/lib/webservice.
The WSDL must be run through a toolkit to produce
language-specific routines that do communication.
The application is compiled with these routines.
HTCondor must be configured to enable responses to SOAP calls.
Please see
section 3.5.28 for definitions of the
configuration variables related to the web services API.
The WS interface is listening on the condor_schedd daemon's command port.
To obtain a list of all the the condor_schedd daemons in the
pool with a WS interface, issue the command:
% condor_status -schedd -constraint "HasSOAPInterface=?=TRUE"
With this information,
a further command locates the port number to use:
% condor_status -schedd -constraint "HasSOAPInterface=?=TRUE" -l | grep MyAddress
HTCondor's security configuration must be set up such that
access is authorized for the SOAP client.
See Section 3.8.7
for information on how to set the
ALLOW_SOAP and DENY_SOAP configuration variables.
The API's routines can be roughly categorized into ones that
deal with
- Transactions
- Job Submission
- File Transfer
- Job Management
- ClassAd Management
- Version Information
The routines for each of these categories is detailed.
Note that the signature provided will accurately
reflect a routine's name,
but that return values and parameter specification
will vary according to the target programming language.
6.1.5 Get These Items Correct
- For jobs that are to be executed on Windows platforms,
explicitly set the job ClassAd attribute NTDomain.
This attribute defines the NT domain within which the
job's owner authenticates. The attribute is necessary,
and it is not set for the job by the createJobTemplate()
6.1.6 Methods for Transaction Management
- beginTransaction
- Begin a transaction.
A prototype is
StatusAndTransaction beginTransaction(int duration);
- Parameters
- duration The expected duration of the transaction.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains the new transaction.
- commitTransaction
- Commits a transaction.
A prototype is
Status commitTransaction(Transaction transaction);
- Parameters
- transaction The transaction to be committed.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- abortTransaction
- Abort a transaction.
A prototype is
Status abortTransaction(Transaction transaction);
- Parameters
- transaction The transaction to be aborted.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- extendTransaction
- Request an extension in duration for a specific transaction.
A prototype is
StatusAndTransaction extendTransaction(
Transaction transaction, int duration);
- Parameters
- transaction The transaction to be extended.
- duration The duration of the extension.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains the transaction with the extended
6.1.7 Methods for Job Submission
- submit
- Submit a job.
A prototype is
StatusAndRequirements submit(Transaction transaction,
int clusterId, int jobId, ClassAd jobAd);
- Parameters
- transaction
The transaction in which the submission takes place.
- clusterId The cluster identifier.
- jobId The job identifier.
- jobAd
The ClassAd describing the job. Creation of this ClassAd can be simplified
with createJobTemplate();.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
the return value contains the job's requirements.
- createJobTemplate
- Request a job Class Ad, given some of the job requirements.
This job Class Ad will be suitable for use when submitting the job.
Note that the job attribute NTDomain is not set by this
function, but must be set for jobs that will execute on Windows
A prototype is
StatusAndClassAd createJobTemplate(int clusterId,
int jobId, String owner, UniverseType type, String command,
String arguments, String requirements);
- Parameters
- clusterId The cluster identifier.
- jobId The job identifier.
- owner
The name to be associated with the job.
- type
The universe under which the job will run, where type can be
one of the following:
enum UniverseType { STANDARD = 1, VANILLA = 5,
SCHEDULER = 7, MPI = 8, GRID = 9, JAVA = 10,
- command
The command to execute once the job has started.
- arguments
The command-line arguments for command.
- requirements
The requirements expression for the job. For further details
and examples of the expression syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- discoverJobRequirements
- Discover the requirements of a job, given a Class Ad. May be helpful
in determining what should be sent along with the job.
A prototype is
StatusAndRequirements discoverJobRequirements(
ClassAd jobAd);
- Parameters
- jobAd The ClassAd of the job.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains the job's requirements.
6.1.8 Methods for File Transfer
- declareFile
- Declare a file that may be used by a job.
A prototype is
Status declareFile(Transaction transaction, int clusterId,
int jobId, String name, int size, HashType hashType, String hash);
- Parameters
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- sendFile
- Send a file that a job may use.
A prototype is
Status sendFile(Transaction transaction, int clusterId,
int jobId, String name, int offset, Base64 data);
- Parameters
- transaction
The transaction in which this file is send.
- clusterId The cluster identifier.
- jobId
An identifier of the job that will use the file.
- name
The name of the file being sent.
- offset
The starting offset within the file being sent.
- length
The length from the offset to send.
- data
The data block being sent. This could be the entire file or a
sub-section of the file as defined by offset and
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- getFile
- Get a file from a job's spool.
A prototype is
StatusAndBase64 getFile(Transaction transaction,
int clusterId, int jobId, String name, int offset, int length);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId The cluster in which to search.
- jobId
The job identifier the file is associated with.
- name
The name of the file to retrieve.
- offset
The starting offset withing the file being retrieved.
- length
The length from the offset to retrieve.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains the file or a sub-section of the
file as defined by offset and length.
- closeSpool
- Close a job's spool.
All the files in the job's spool can be deleted.
A prototype is
Status closeSpool(Transaction transaction, int clusterId,
int jobId);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId
The cluster identifier which the job is associated with.
- jobId
The job identifier for which the spool is to be removed.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- listSpool
- List the files in a job's spool.
A prototype is
StatusAndFileInfoArray listSpool(Transaction transaction,
int clusterId, int jobId);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId The cluster in which to search.
- jobId The job identifier to search for.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains a list of files and their
respective sizes.
6.1.9 Methods for Job Management
- newCluster
- Create a new job cluster.
A prototype is
StatusAndInt newCluster(Transaction transaction);
- Parameters
- transaction
The transaction in which this cluster is created.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains the cluster id.
- removeCluster
- Remove a job cluster, and all the jobs within it.
A prototype is
Status removeCluster(Transaction transaction, int clusterId,
String reason);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId
The cluster to remove.
- reason
The reason for the removal.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- newJob
- Creates a new job within the most recently created job cluster.
A prototype is
StatusAndInt newJob(Transaction transaction, int clusterId);
- Parameters
- transaction
The transaction in which this job is created.
- clusterId
The cluster identifier of the most recently created cluster.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains the job id.
- removeJob
- Remove a job, regardless of the job's state.
A prototype is
Status removeJob(Transaction transaction, int clusterId,
int jobId, String reason, boolean forceRemoval);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId The cluster identifier to search in.
- jobId The job identifier to search for.
- reason The reason for the release.
- forceRemoval
Set if the job should be forcibly removed.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- holdJob
- Put a job into the Hold state, regardless of the job's current state.
A prototype is
Status holdJob(Transaction transaction, int clusterId,
int jobId, string reason, boolean emailUser, boolean emailAdmin,
boolean systemHold);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId The cluster in which to search.
- jobId The job identifier to search for.
- reason The reason for the release.
- emailUser
Set if the submitting user should be notified.
- emailAdmin
Set if the administrator should be notified.
- systemHold
Set if the job should be put on hold.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- releaseJob
- Release a job that has been in the Hold state.
A prototype is
Status releaseJob(Transaction transaction, int clusterId,
int jobId, String reason, boolean emailUser, boolean emailAdmin);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId The cluster in which to search.
- jobId The job identifier to search for.
- reason The reason for the release.
- emailUser
Set if the submitting user should be notified.
- emailAdmin
Set if the administrator should be notified.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- getJobAds
A prototype is
StatusAndClassAdArray getJobAds(Transaction transaction,
String constraint);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return. For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains all job ClassAds matching the
given constraint.
- getJobAd
- Finds a specific job ClassAd.
This method does much the same as the first element from the array
returned by
getJobAds(transaction, "(ClusterId==clusterId && JobId==jobId)")
A prototype is
StatusAndClassAd getJobAd(Transaction transaction,
int clusterId, int jobId);
- Parameters
- transaction
An optionally nullable transaction, meaning this call does not
need to occur in a transaction.
- clusterId The cluster in which to search.
- jobId The job identifier to search for.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values. Additionally,
on success, the return value contains the requested ClassAd.
- requestReschedule
- Request a condor_reschedule from the condor_schedd daemon.
A prototype is
Status requestReschedule();
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
6.1.10 Methods for ClassAd Management
- insertAd
- A prototype is
Status insertAd(ClassAdType type, ClassAdStruct ad);
- Parameters
- type
The type of ClassAd to insert, where type can be one of the
enum ClassAdType {
- ad The ClassAd to insert.
- Return Value
- If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS;
otherwise, see StatusCode for valid return values.
- queryStartdAds
- A prototype is
ClassAdArray queryStartdAds(String constraint);
- Parameters
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return. For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- A list of all the condor_startd ClassAds matching the
given constraint.
- queryScheddAds
- A prototype is
ClassAdArray queryScheddAds(String constraint);
- Parameters
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return. For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- A list of all the condor_schedd ClassAds matching the given
- queryMasterAds
- A prototype is
ClassAdArray queryMasterAds(String constraint);
- Parameters
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return. For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- A list of all the condor_master ClassAds matching the given
- querySubmittorAds
- A prototype is
ClassAdArray querySubmittorAds(String constraint);
- Parameters
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return. For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- A list of all the submitters ClassAds matching the given
- queryLicenseAds
- A prototype is
ClassAdArray queryLicenseAds(String constraint);
- Parameters
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return.For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- A list of all the license ClassAds matching the given constraint.
- queryStorageAds
- A prototype is
ClassAdArray queryStorageAds(String constraint);
- Parameters
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return. For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- A list of all the storage ClassAds matching the given constraint.
- queryAnyAds
- A prototype is
ClassAdArray queryAnyAds(String constraint);
- Parameters
- constraint
A string constraining the number ClassAds to return. For further details
and examples of the constraint syntax, please refer to
section 4.1.
- Return Value
- A list of all the ClassAds matching the given constraint.
to return.
6.1.11 Methods for Version Information
- getVersionString
- A prototype is
StatusAndString getVersionString();
- Return Value
- Returns the HTCondor version as a string.
- getPlatformString
- A prototype is
StatusAndString getPlatformString();
- Return Value
- Returns the platform information HTCondor is running on as string.
6.1.12 Common Data Structures
Many methods return a status.
Table 6.1 lists and defines the
StatusCode return values.
Table 6.1:
StatusCode definitions
Value |
Identifier |
Definition |
0 |
All OK |
1 |
An error occurred that is not specific to another error code |
2 |
No such transaction exists |
3 |
The specified cluster is not the currently active one |
4 |
The specified job does not exist within the specified cluster |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
For this job, the specified file already exists |
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