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Attempt a security negotiation to determine if it succeeds


condor_ping [-help $\vert$ -version]

condor_ping [-debug] [-address <a.b.c.d:port>] [-pool host name] [-name daemon name] [-type subsystem] [-config filename] [-quiet | -table | -verbose] token [token [... ]]


condor_ping attempts a security negotiation to discover whether the configuration is set such that the negotiation succeeds. The target of the negotiation is defined by one or a combination of the address, pool, name, or type options. If no target is specified, the default target is the condor_schedd daemon on the local machine.

One or more tokens may be listed, thereby specifying one or more authorization level to impersonate in security negotiation. A token is the value ALL, an authorization level, a command name, or the integer value of a command. The many command names and their associated integer values will more likely be used by experts, and they are defined in the file condor_includes/condor_commands.h.

An authorization level may be one of the following strings. If ALL is listed, then negotiation is attempted for each of these possible authorization levels.



Display usage information
Display version information
Print extra debugging information as the command executes.
-config filename
Attempt the negotiation based on the contents of the configuration file contents in file filename.
-address <a.b.c.d:port>
Target the given IP address with the negotiation attempt.
-pool hostname
Target the given host with the negotiation attempt. May be combined with specifications defined by name and type options.
-name daemonname
Target the daemon given by daemonname with the negotiation attempt.
-type subsystem
Target the daemon identified by subsystem, one of the values of the predefined $(SUBSYSTEM) macro.
Set exit status only; no output displayed.
Output is displayed with one result per line, in a table format.
Display all available output.


The example Unix command

condor_ping  -address "<>" -table READ WRITE DAEMON
places double quote marks around the sinful string to prevent the less than and the greater than characters from causing redirect of input and output. The given IP address is targeted with 3 attempts to negotiate: one at the READ authorization level, one at the WRITE authorization level, and one at the DAEMON authorization level.

Exit Status

condor_ping will exit with the status value of the negotiation it attempted, where 0 (zero) indicates success, and 1 (one) indicates failure. If multiple security negotiations were attempted, the exit status will be the logical OR of all values.


Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Copyright © 1990-2013 Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
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