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6.6 The HTCondor Perl Module

The HTCondor Perl module facilitates automatic submitting and monitoring of HTCondor jobs, along with automated administration of HTCondor. The most common use of this module is the monitoring of HTCondor jobs. The HTCondor Perl module can be used as a meta scheduler for the submission of HTCondor jobs.

The HTCondor Perl module provides several subroutines. Some of the subroutines are used as callbacks; an event triggers the execution of a specific subroutine. Other of the subroutines denote actions to be taken by Perl. Some of these subroutines take other subroutines as arguments.

6.6.1 Subroutines

This subroutine takes the action of submitting a job to HTCondor. The argument is the name of a submit description file. The condor_submit program should be in the path of the user. If the user wishes to monitor the job with condor they must specify a log file in the command file. The cluster submitted is returned. For more information see the condor_submit man page.

This subroutine takes the action of sending a condor_vacate command to the machine specified as an argument. The machine may be specified either by host name, or by sinful string. For more information see the condor_vacate man page.

This subroutine takes the action of sending a condor_reschedule command to the machine specified as an argument. The machine may be specified either by host name, or by sinful string. For more information see the condor_reschedule man page.

Takes the action of monitoring this cluster. It returns when all jobs in cluster terminate.

Takes the action of waiting until all monitor subroutines finish, and then exits the Perl script.

Takes the action of turning debug messages on. This may be useful when attempting to debug the Perl script.

Takes the action of turning debug messages off.

Register a subroutine (called sub) to be used as a callback when a job from a specified cluster is evicted. The subroutine will be called with two arguments: cluster and job. The cluster and job are the cluster number and process number of the job that was evicted.

Same as RegisterEvicted except that the handler is called when the evicted job was checkpointed.

Same as RegisterEvicted except that the handler is called when the evicted job was not checkpointed.

Register a termination handler that is called when a job exits. The termination handler will be called with two arguments: cluster and job. The cluster and job are the cluster and process numbers of the existing job.

Register a termination handler that is called when a job exits without errors. The termination handler will be called with two arguments: cluster and job The cluster and job are the cluster and process numbers of the existing job.

Register a termination handler that is called when a job exits with errors. The termination handler will be called with three arguments: cluster, job and retval. The cluster and job are the cluster and process numbers of the existing job and the retval is the exit code of the job.

Register an termination handler that is called when a job abnormally exits (segmentation fault, bus error, ...). The termination handler will be called with four arguments: cluster, job signal and core. The cluster and job are the cluster and process numbers of the existing job. The signal indicates the signal that the job died with and core indicates whether a core file was created and if so, what the full path to the core file is.

Register a handler that is called when a job is aborted by a user.

Register a handler that is called when a job is not executable.

Register an execution handler that is called whenever a job starts running on a given host. The handler is called with four arguments: cluster, job host, and sinful. Cluster and job are the cluster and process numbers for the job, host is the Internet address of the machine running the job, and sinful is the Internet address and command port of the condor_starter supervising the job.

Register a submit handler that is called whenever a job is submitted with the given cluster. The handler is called with cluster, job host, and sinful. Cluster and job are the cluster and process numbers for the job, host is the Internet address of the machine running the job, and sinful is the Internet address and command port of the condor_schedd responsible for the job.

Begin monitoring this cluster. Returns when all jobs in cluster terminate.

Wait until all monitors finish and exit.

Turn debug messages on. This may be useful if you don't understand what your script is doing.

Turn debug messages off.

This subroutine submits a job to HTCondor for testing, and places all variables from the command file into the Perl hash %submit_info. Does not reset the state of variables, so that testing preserves callbacks.

SubmitDagman(DAG_file, DAGMan_args)
Takes the action of submitting a DAG using condor_dagman. The first argument is the name of the DAG input file, and the second argument is the command line arguments for condor_dagman. Information from the submit description file generated by condor_dagman is placed into the Perl hash %submit_info for access during callbacks.

TestSubmitDagman(DAG_file, DAGMan_args)
This subroutine submits a condor_dagman to HTCondor for testing, and places information from the submit description file generated by condor_dagman into the Perl hash %submit_info for access during callbacks. The first argument is the name of the DAG input file, and the second argument is the command line arguments for condor_dagman. Does not reset the state of variables, so that testing preserves callbacks.

Register a subroutine (called sub) to be used as a callback when a job from a specified cluster is requeued. The subroutine will be called with two arguments: cluster and job. The cluster and job are the cluster number and process number of the job that was requeued.

Register a subroutine (called sub) to be used as a callback when a shadow exception occurs.

Register a subroutine (called sub) to be used as a callback when a job enters the hold state.

Register a subroutine (called sub) to be used as a callback when a job is released.

Register a subroutine (called sub) to be used as a callback when a system call invoked using runCommand experiences an error.

string identifies a syscall that is invoked. If the syscall exits abnormally or exits with an error, the callback registered with RegisterWantError() is called, and an error message is issued.

RegisterTimed(sub, seconds)
Register a subroutine (called sub) to be called back at a delay of seconds time from this registration time. Only one callback may be registered, as subsequent calls modify the timer only.

Remove the single, timed callback registered with RegisterTimed().

6.6.2 Examples

The following is an example that uses the HTCondor Perl module. The example uses the submit description file mycmdfile.cmd to specify the submission of a job. As the job is matched with a machine and begins to execute, a callback subroutine (called execute) sends a condor_vacate signal to the job, and it increments a counter which keeps track of the number of times this callback executes. A second callback keeps a count of the number of times that the job was evicted before the job completes. After the job completes, the termination callback (called normal) prints out a summary of what happened.

use Condor;

$CMD_FILE = 'mycmdfile.cmd';
$evicts = 0;
$vacates = 0;

# A subroutine that will be used as the normal execution callback
$normal = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "Job $cluster.$job exited normally without errors.\n";
    print "Job was vacated $vacates times and evicted $evicts times\n";

$evicted = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "Job $cluster, $job was evicted.\n";

$execute = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};
    $host = $parameters{'host'};
    $sinful = $parameters{'sinful'};

    print "Job running on $sinful, vacating...\n";

$cluster = Condor::Submit($CMD_FILE);
printf("Could not open. Access Denied\n");

This example program will submit the command file 'mycmdfile.cmd' and attempt to vacate any machine that the job runs on. The termination handler then prints out a summary of what has happened.

A second example Perl script facilitates the meta-scheduling of two of HTCondor jobs. It submits a second job if the first job successfully completes.


# tell Perl where to find the HTCondor library
use lib '/unsup/condor/lib';
# tell Perl to use what it finds in the HTCondor library
use Condor;

$SUBMIT_FILE1 = 'Asubmit.cmd';
$SUBMIT_FILE2 = 'Bsubmit.cmd';

# Callback used when first job exits without errors.
$firstOK = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    $cluster = Condor::Submit($SUBMIT_FILE2);
    if (($cluster) == 0)
        printf("Could not open $SUBMIT_FILE2.\n");


$firstfails = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The first job, $cluster.$job failed, exiting with an error. \n";

# Callback used when second job exits without errors.
$secondOK = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The second job, $cluster.$job successfully completed. \n";

# Callback used when second job exits WITH an error.
$secondfails = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The second job ($cluster.$job) failed. \n";

$cluster = Condor::Submit($SUBMIT_FILE1);
if (($cluster) == 0)
    printf("Could not open $SUBMIT_FILE1. \n");


Some notes are in order about this example. The same task could be accomplished using the HTCondor DAGMan metascheduler. The first job is the parent, and the second job is the child. The input file to DAGMan is significantly simpler than this Perl script.

A third example using the HTCondor Perl module expands upon the second example. Whereas the second example could have been more easily implemented using DAGMan, this third example shows the versatility of using Perl as a metascheduler.

In this example, the result generated from the successful completion of the first job are used to decide which subsequent job should be submitted. This is a very simple example of a branch and bound technique, to focus the search for a problem solution.


# tell Perl where to find the HTCondor library
use lib '/unsup/condor/lib';
# tell Perl to use what it finds in the HTCondor library
use Condor;

$SUBMIT_FILE1 = 'Asubmit.cmd';
$SUBMIT_FILE2 = 'Bsubmit.cmd';
$SUBMIT_FILE3 = 'Csubmit.cmd';

# Callback used when first job exits without errors.
$firstOK = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    # open output file from first job, and read the result
    if ( -f "A.output" )
        open(RESULTFILE, "A.output") or die "Could not open result file.";
        $result = <RESULTFILE>;
        # next job to submit is based on output from first job
        if ($result < 100)
            $cluster = Condor::Submit($SUBMIT_FILE2);
            if (($cluster) == 0)
                printf("Could not open $SUBMIT_FILE2.\n");

            $cluster = Condor::Submit($SUBMIT_FILE3);
            if (($cluster) == 0)
                printf("Could not open $SUBMIT_FILE3.\n");

        printf("Results file does not exist.\n");

$firstfails = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The first job, $cluster.$job failed, exiting with an error. \n";

# Callback used when second job exits without errors.
$secondOK = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The second job, $cluster.$job successfully completed. \n";

# Callback used when third job exits without errors.
$thirdOK = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The third job, $cluster.$job successfully completed. \n";

# Callback used when second job exits WITH an error.
$secondfails = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The second job ($cluster.$job) failed. \n";

# Callback used when third job exits WITH an error.
$thirdfails = sub
    %parameters = @_;
    $cluster = $parameters{'cluster'};
    $job = $parameters{'job'};

    print "The third job ($cluster.$job) failed. \n";

$cluster = Condor::Submit($SUBMIT_FILE1);
if (($cluster) == 0)
    printf("Could not open $SUBMIT_FILE1. \n");


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