
<Technology>  <Dancing Fool>  <The Story>


Swivel-Tronic Lighting System

The Swivel-Tronic system was developed by A4 productions to allow the type of environment control that a modern disco needs.  Using input from the DJ in control the system allows the motion of spot lights, strobes, and disco balls to be fit to the music.  The system provides several movement options, including sinusoidal tracking, constant velocity procession, and sharp or soft transitions.

Tech Specs: The C++ program uses set constants to generate a MEL script to control specific objects or groups of objects.  It allows a number of properties to be set.  Only visibility and rotation are used in Dancing Fool.

Director : Andy Drake


Versa-Motion Editing Suite

The Versa-Motion suite of tools provides an easy and functional way to mix and combine motions to produce new composites.  It finds points of near matching between motions and provides the interface to blend them.

Tech Specs:  The C++ program uses an OpenGL and FLTK system to display multiple motions and interface with the program.  It uses a least squares distance of all skeleton joints ignoring root position and rotation to find the points of minimum difference between motions.  Motions are blended over user defined window of frames.  The blending converts the joint angles to quaternions and composites them.

 Director : Andrew Jepsen


LiveFace Facial Animation System powered by Capture Complete Data

 Capture Complete uses a Vicon Motion Capture system.  The system used retro-reflective tape applied to the face.  Five cameras, using infrared light, capture the motion of the markers without distracting the subject.  Capture Complete processes the raw marker data and converts it into rotations and movements for a skeletal head.  LiveFace uses the processed data control the head, mouth, and lips.

Tech Spec:  Full Tutorial Comming Soon.

Co-Director : Allison McCarthy

Co-Director : Adam Hupp