CS838-2: Special Topics: Computer Animation
Calendar Assignments Reader Projects (p1) (p2) Student Pages
graphics group
These are the papers for the reader available at DOIT. All of these readings will be required at some point in the semester. However, these are not all of the required readings. A few papers will be hot off the presses, and everyone will be expected to read part of a cinematography book.


Computer Animation. Hodgins and O'Brien. From the Encyclopedia of Computer Science.

[Lasseter] Principles of Traditional Animation Applied to 3D Computer Animation. John Lasseter. SIGGRAPH 87


A System for Computer Generated Movies. Ed Catmull. Proceedings of the 1972 ACM Annual Conference.

Interactive Skeleton Techniques for Enhancing Motion Dynamics in Key Frame Animation. N. Burtnyk and Marceli Wein. CACM, October 1976.

Food for Thought (2D systems that bring up issues)

Inkwell: A System for 2 1/2 D Animation. Peter Litwinowicz. SIGGRAPH '91.

Accessible animation and customizable graphics via simplicial configuration modeling. Tom Ngo, Doug Cutrell, Jenny Dana, Bruce Donald, Lorie Loeb and Shunhui Zhu. SIGGRAPH '00.

Rotations and Characters

Motion Editing Fundamentals. F. Sebastian Grassia SIGGRAPH 2000 Course Notes: Motion Editing, Principles, Practice and Promise.

Animating Rotations With Quaternion Curves Ken Shoemake SIGGRAPH '85

Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map F. Febastian Grassia Journal of Graphics Tools, 1998

Rotating Objects With Quaternions. Nick Bobick. On the Web as part of Game Developer Magazine (Gamasutra).


Dealing with the Ill-Conditioned Equations of Motion for Articulated Figures. Anthony Maciejewski. IEEE CG&A, May 1990


An Introduction to Physically-Based Modeling.
Chapter B: Differential Equation Basics
Chapter C: Particle System Dynamics
Chapter F: Constrained Dynamics
Andrew Witkin and David Baraff. SIGGRAPH Course Notes (1995-2000).

Basic Applications of Physics

The Motion Dynamics of Snakes and Worms. Gavin Miller. SIGGRAPH '88.

Particle Systems: A Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects. William Reeves. ACM ToG, 1983.

Large Steps in Cloth Simulation. David Baraff and Andy Witkin. SIGGRAPH '98


A Differential Approach to Graphical Interaction
Chapter 3: Differential Techniques
Chapter 4: Efficient Solution Techniques
Chapter 5: Snap-Together Math
Michael Gleicher. PhD Thesis, CMU, 1994.

Section: Control of Physical Animation

Fast Animation and Control of Non-Rigid Structures. Andy Witkin and Will Welch. SIGGRAPH '90.

Interactive Control for Physically-Based Animation. Joseph Laszlo, Michiel van de Panne, and Eugene Fiume SIGGRAPH '00.

Interactive Manipulation of Rigid Body Simulations. Jovan Popovic, Steven Seitz, Michael Erdmann, Zoran Popovic, and Andy Witkin. SIGGRAPH '00.

Sampling Plausible Solutions to Multi-body Constraint Problems. Stephen Chenney and David Forsyth. SIGGRAPH '00.

Spacetime Constraints. Andy Witkin and Michael Kass. SIGGRAPH 1988.

Spacetime Constraints Revisited. Tom Ngo and Joe Marks. SIGGRAPH 1993.

Section: Approaches to human figure animation

Real-time Responsive Animation with Personality. Ken Perlin. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 1994.

Computer Animation of Human Walking: a Survey. Multon, Fance, Cani-Gascuel, and Debunne. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 1999

Animating Human Athletics. Jessica Hodgins, Wayne Wooten, David Brogan, and James O'Brien. SIGGRAPH '95

Animation from Observation: Motion Capture and Motion Editing. Michael Gleicher. Computer Graphics, 1999

Motion Editing

Motion Editing. Michael Gleicher. pre-print Chapter from a still-to-be titled book.

Motion Signal Processing. Armin Bruderlin and Lance Williams. SIGGRAPH '95

Motion Warping. Andy Witkin and Zoran Popovic. SIGGRAPH '95.

Retargetting Motion to New Characters. Michael Gleicher. SIGGRAPH '98.

A Hierarchical Approach to Interactive Motion Editing for Human-like Figures. Jehee Lee and Sung-Yong Shin. SIGGRAPH '99.

Physically Based Motion Transformation. Zoran Popovic and Andy Witki.n SIGGRAPH '99.

Motion Capture Processing. Michael Gleicher. From a still-to-be-written book.

Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation from Magnetic Motion Capture Data. O'Brien, J. F., Bodenheimer, B. E., Brostow, G. J., Hodgins, J. K., Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2000.


Image Morphing: A Survey George Wolberg Visual Computer

Behavioral Animation

Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model. Craig Reynolds. SIGGRAPH '87.


Free-Form Deformations of Solid Geometric Models. Thomas Sederberg and Scott R. Parry. SIGGRAPH '86.

Subdivision Surfaces for Character Animation. Tony DeRose, Michael Kass, and

Pose Space Deformation: A Unified Approach to Shape Interpolation and Skeleton-Driven Deformation. John Lewis, Matt Cordner, Nickson Fong. SIGGRAPH '00.

Facial Animation

Video Re-Write. Christoph Bregler, Michelle Covell, Malcolm Slaney. SIGGRAPH '97.

Synthesizing Realistic Facial Expressions From Photographs. Pighin, Hecker, Lischinski, Szeliski, Salesin. SIGGRAPH '98.

A Muscle Model for Animating Three Dimensional Facial Expressions. Keith Waters. SIGGRAPH '87.

Last modified: 23:14 Mar 8, 2001

(c) 2001 Michael Gleicher
UW CS Graphics Group