The protocol followed by the Lock Manager supports page level locking . The lock page class supports lock_page, unlock_page, unlock_all_pages,and upgrade_lock. It support IS,IX,S,X lock modes. Whenever a transaction commits or aborts, it is the responsibility of the OS Manager to call the 'unlockall()' function, to unlock all pages that the transaction had locked.
The Shared Memory manager is responsible for setting up the Lock Table and associated data structures in shared memory. The Lock Manager has its own shared memory management interface with which it allocates, deallocates and reuses shared memory as and when transactions enter and exit the system. Each process has its own instantiation of a Lock manager and a deadlock detector. The lock manager obtains locks on the lock table whenever it needs to modify its contents. The Lock manager and the deadlock detector classes themselves are not stored in shared memory as they do not contain any shared data structures.
Currently, work is underway to change the deadlock detection mechanism. Deadlock detection will be done solely by the Minibase server. The Minibase server will wake up at frequent intervals and search for deadlocks and pick a victim if it finds a cycle. The Lock Manager will not call the deadlock detector class - it will merely assign locks to pages as and when they are requested.
Trans_Lock_Info class: The trans_lock_info class is a member of each transactions entry in the transaction table. As such, each instance is automatically created by the operating system when the transaction executes the "begin" command. The trans_lock_info class maintains a locked_queue linked list. Each element in this list points to a locked page entry, called a lock_entry, which represents one of the pages on which it currently holds a lock.
Lock_Table class: The lock_table is created once in shared memory by the operating system, which also maintains a global pointer to it. This pointer is used only by the lock_manager and should not be used by other processes. The lock table keeps track of all the pages which have been locked by some transaction and which pages transactions are currently waiting to lock. More specifically, the lock table is a hash table of lock_entries. Each lock_entry in the table represents a page that has been locked. The lock table also maintains list of free shared memory that the lock manger previously allocated and are now available for reuse. The pointers are accessed and maintaind by the sh_alloc memory management class.
Click here for the public interface.
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