External Interface
The public interface to the lock manager is contained in lock_manager.h All
transactions wanting to use the lock manager must create an instance of the lock
manger, class lock_manager_def(), and an instance of its memory manger, class
sh_alloc(). Sh_alloc is defined in mem_manager.h When the sh_alloc class is
created, an external pointer sh_alloc_ptr must be set to point to it.
//The enumerated type used to request the lock mode
enum lock_type {Shared, Exclusive, IShared, IExclusive, None};
//The structure of a page id.
struct page_def
Page::Id page_id; // The page to be locked in the file
char db_name[MAXFILENAME]; // The name of the file in which the page resides
class LockMgr {
friend class deadlock_detector;
// returns Ok in status if the lock manager was created correctly
lock_manager_def (Status &status);
// This needs to connect the lock manager to the lock_table and the
// transaction info
~lock_manager_def() {};
// The following public functions return OK on success,
// Restart if this transaction must be restarted.
// Request a Shared/IShared or Exclusive/IExclusive lock on a page.
// If it is not possible, the OS will be asked to suspend this
// process until the page becomes available. If the lock request
// introduces a dependency cycle into the graph, the process
// requesting the lock will be restarted. A return code of Restart
// indicates the transaction must be restarted. Lock page also handles
// implicit upgrades.
Status lock_page(page_def &page,lock_type lock);
// Upgrade a shared lock to an Exclusive lock.
// An error code of Restart indicates the transaction must be restarted
// "page" is the page to upgrade the lock on. Lock is the new
// lock you wish to hold on the page.
Status upgrade_lock(page_def &page,lock_type lock);
// Unlock a page
// Exclusive locks can only be released by calling unlockall()
Status unlock_page(page_def &page);
// Unlock all pages locked by this process. This will usually
// be called by the OS at commit or abort time.
Status unlockall();