Architecture Groups and Projects
- Computer Systems Architecture - UvA Amsterdam - This is the research page for CSA at the University of Amsterdam. It is a newly formed group under prof Chris Jesshope. The group has two main research direction, early design space exploration for Systems on a chip and Microgrids, chip multiprocessors using code fragmentation or microthreading.
- High Performance Computing Architectures and Technologies (HPCAT) - HPCAT group at the University of Arizona
- University of Arkansas Computer Architecture Group -
- Barcelona - Computer Architecture Department (UPC) -
- University of California at Berkeley Computer Architecture
- Boston University -- Computer Architecture and Automated Design Lab - Boston University -- Computer Architecture and Automated Design Lab
- Brazilian HPPCA Group - High Performance and Parallel Computer Architecture Group
- Brigham Young Reconfigurable Logic Lab -
- BYU Architecture and Digital Design (BARDD) Group -
- ATC Group (Universidad de Cantabria) -
- UC Davis Computer Architecture Research Laboratory -
- UC Irvine Advanced Computer Architecture Laboratory -
- Concurrent Systems Architecture Group -
- SimPoint Project -
- Micro Architecture Santa Cruz (MASC) group -
- Carnegie Mellon University Computer Architecture Lab -
- High-Performance Computer Architecture, Chalmers -
- Cornell University
- Center of High Performance Computing, ICT-CAS, China -
- Data Diffusion Machine -
- University of Edinburgh Compiler and Architecture Design Group -
- High-speed Networks and Architectures Group (RAAP), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain -
- University of Colorado Computer Systems Research -
- Draco Architecture Group at Colorado - Draco Architecture Group at Colorado
- Compaq Western Research Laboratory (WRL) -
- Parallel Processor Design and FPGA Team - This page contains informations about processor design in FPGA. You can find publications, technical reports and thesis about several projects
- Computer Architecture Section, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan -
- Tsinghua Network Processor Research Group - Project: AntiWorm Software Package based on Parallel Bloom filters for Intel IXP Network Processors. A novel applicaiton for Network Processor Architecture In Network Security.
- TU Delft Computer Engineering -
- Arachne - Network/Internet Switches and Processors
- Delft-WorkBench - Reconfigurable Backend Compilers
- Delta-Iliad - Multimedia, Vector and Parallel Processors
- MOLEN - Embedded and Reconfigurable Processors
- ETH (Swiss F.I.T. at Zurich)
- FORTH (ICS), Crete, Greece: Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems
- GAMMA: Genoa Active Message MAchine
- High Performance Computing group at George Washington University - Doing research in computer architecture, with emphasis on reconfigurable architectures, supercomputing as well as performance analysis.
- Georgia Tech Computer Architecture and Parallel Simulation
- Centre for Computer Systems Architecture, Halmstad Univerity, Sweden
- Harvard - HUBE Research Group
- University of Illinois Computer Architecture
- Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
- Srijan:Single Chip Application Specific Multi-processor Project - Srijan:Single Chip Application Specific Multi-processor Project
- IRISA, CAPS team (Compiler, Parallel Architecture and Systems)
- UNIDAPT - tackling the complexity of future computing systems using machine learning
- University of Kansas Reconfigurable Computing Group - The hybrid threads group is investigating new programming models for hybrid CPU+FPGA based systems
- KAIST Computer Engineering Research Laboratory
- Kyushu University, Japan - NGArch Research - Next Generation computer system Architecture Research
- Loughborough University, United Kingdom - Electronic Systems Design Group
- Lund University, Sweden - Cachemire Project
- McGill-Concordia - EARTH
- University of Manchester, UK - Advanced Processor Technologies Group
- University of Michigan Computer Architecture
- University of Minnesota
- MIT Computer Architecture Group
- Technische Universitaet Muenchen, LRR, Computer Architecture Group
- University of Granada, Dept. of Computer Architecture and Technology (ATC)
- University of Murcia, Spain - Computer Engineering and Technology Department (DITEC)
- Nanyang Technological University - Centre for High Performance Embedded Systems
- University of Newcastle Virtual Memory research Group
- New Mexico State Parallel Architecture Research Lab
- NC State
- Northeastern University
- Northwestern University Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing
- University of North Texas
- University of Notre Dame
- The NYU Ultracomputer Research Project
- Ohio State University
- Counterflow Pipeline Processor Project, Oregon State University
- Hardware Compilation Group, Oxford University
- Dept. of Information Technology, University of Parma, Italy
- Penn State University - Computer Systems Lab
- University of Pennsylvania Architecture and Compilers Group
- University of Pittsburgh
- Princeton
- Computer Architecture at Purdue
- Queen's University - Computer Architecture Group
- University of Queensland Computer Architecture
- Microarchitecture Research Institute at Univ. Rhode Island - Eclectic Computer Engineering research group
- University of Rhode Island - High Performance Computing Laboratory
- Rice University Computer Architecture
- Federal University of Rio, Brazil - The NCP2 Project
- LAM - Computer Architecture and Microeletronics Laboratory (LAM) at PESC, COPPE, UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- University of Rochester
- Saarbrücken PRAM
- Scalable Coherent Interface
- Simple COMA
- University of Southern California
- University of South Florida - VLSI Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Group
- Stanford Computer Architecture
- SUNY at Stony Brook - Experimental Computer Systems Lab
- SUNY at Binghamton - Low Power Microarchitecture Group
- University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute
- SICS - DDMlite
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Toronto
- Uppsala University, UART (Uppsala Architecture Research Team)
- University of Utah
- Technical University of Valencia, Spain: Parallel Architectures Group (GAP)
- University of Vienna's AURORA - Advanced Models, Applications and Software Systems for High Performance Computing
- University of Virginia
- Virginia Tech Configurable Computing
- University of Warwick
- Waseda University, Tokyo - OSCAR multiprocessor and multigrain compiler project
- Washington Computer Architecture
- College of William and Mary - High Performance Computing Lab
- University of Wisconsin Computer Architecture
WWW Computer Architecture Page
Maintained by Derek Hower
Designed by
Derek Hower,
Luke Yen,
Min Xu,
Milo Martin,
Doug Burger, and
Mark Hill
Computer Architecture Group
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Copyright 1999-2006, All Rights Reserved
Last modified: Monday, 05-Apr-2010 16:02:29 CDT