
Matthew J. Renzelmann, Asim Kadav, and Michael M. Swift. SymDrive: Testing Drivers without Devices. In OSDI'12.

PDF: here.


Device-driver development and testing is a complex and error-prone undertaking. For example, a single driver may support dozens of devices, and a developer may not have access to any of them. As a result, many Linux driver patches include the comment "compile tested only." Furthermore, testing error-handling code is difficult, as it requires faulty inputs from the device.

SymDrive is a system for testing Linux and FreeBSD drivers without their devices. The system uses symbolic execution to remove the need for hardware, and provides three new features beyond prior symbolic-testing tools. First, SymDrive greatly reduces the effort of testing a new driver with a static-analysis and source-to-source transformation tool. Second, SymDrive allows checkers to be written as ordinary C and execute in the kernel, where they have full access to kernel and driver state. Finally, SymDrive provides an execution-tracing tool to identify how a patch changes I/O to the device and to compare device driver implementations. In applying SymDrive to 21 Linux drivers and 5 FreeBSD drivers, we found 39 bugs.

The figure below outlines the architecture of SymDrive.

SymDrive Architecture Overview

More Information

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This work is supported by the National Science Foundation grants CNS-0745517 and CNS-0915363 and by a gift from Google.