picture of Madison

Schedule: Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Time Event Presenter
8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast and Registration
Bagels, cream cheese, yogurt, granola, fruit
Morning Moderator: Alain Roy
9:15 - 10:30 Basic Introduction to using Condor
(PowerPoint) (PDF)
Karen Miller
Condor Project
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:45 Condor and Workflows: An Introduction
(PowerPoint) (PDF)
Nathan Panike
Condor Project
11:45 - 12:15 Pegasus - A system to run, manage and debug complex workflows on top of Condor
(PowerPoint) (PDF)
Karan Vahi
Information Sciences Institute
12:15 - 1:15 Lunch
Prime Rib, Chicken, Eggplant napolean, salad, veggies
1:15 - 4:45 Secure Coding Practices for Middleware
See below for details
Session Moderator: TJ Knoeller
1:15 - 2:15 Basic Condor Administration
(PowerPoint) (PDF)
Alan De Smet
Condor Project
2:15 - 2:45 Security: Lockdown of a Basic Pool
(PowerPoint) (PDF)
Zach Miller
Condor Project
2:45 - 3:00 Break
Session Moderator: Jaime Frey
3:00 - 3:30 Condor High Availability
Rob Rati and Will Benton
Red Hat
3:30 - 4:00 Remote Condor
(OpenOffice) (PDF) (Demo PDF)
Jeff Dost
4:00 - 4:15 Break
4:15 - 5:00 Configuration of Partitionable Slots
(PowerPoint) (PDF)
Greg Thain
Condor Project
5:00 - 5:30 Condor Statistics on your Submit Nodes
(PowerPoint) (PDF)
John 'TJ' Knoeller, Ken Hahn and Becky Gietzel
Condor Project

Tutorial: Secure Coding Practices for Middleware

Presented by Barton P. Miller, University of Wisconsin and Elisa Heymann, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Security is crucial in the software that we develop and use. This tutorial is relevant to anyone wanting to learn about minimizing security flaws in software they develop. We share our experiences gained from years of performing vulnerability assessments of critical middleware. This tutorial is an outgrowth of our experience in performing vulnerability assessment of critical middleware and applications, including Condor, Google Chrome, Wireshark, SRB and iRODS, MyProxy, VOMS Admin and Core from INFN, and others. You will learn skills critical for software developers and analysts concerned about software security.

This tutorial examines coding practices that you should use to prevent vulnerabilities in your code. We describe a wide variety of such vulnerabilities with examples of how they commonly arise, and techniques to prevent them. The examples are in Java, C, C++, Perl and Python, and include both database and web programming examples. All the examples come from real code belonging to Cloud and Grid systems that we have assessed.

This tutorial is relevant to developers wishing to minimize security flaws in software that they develop. It covers the defensive side of security -- how to prevent problems by showing many types of vulnerabilities that occur in code and what techniques can be used to prevent them. The target audience for this tutorial is anyone involved with the development, deployment, or management of critical software. To gain maximum benefit from this tutorial, attendees should be familiar with the process of developing software and at least one of the C, C++ Java or scripting programming languages. A basic knowledge of the standard C library and the POSIX API will aid the participant.

Please note: This tutorial will be in a different room from the rest of the Condor Week tutorials. It will be in the third-floor teaching lab. Signs will direct you appropriately. There will be a break from 2:45pm - 3:15pm.