Break matrix up into a cell array of same sized matrices. Useful wrapper for matlab function mat2cell. Instead of specifying locations along each dimension at which to split the matrix, this function takes the number of parts along each dimension to break X into. That is if X is d1xd2x...xdk and parts=[p1 p2 ... pk]; then X is split into p1*p2*...*pk matricies of dimension d1/p1 x d2/p2 x ... x dk/pk. If di/pi is not an integer, floor(di/pi) is used. Leftover chunks of X are discarded. Using a scalar p for parts is equivalent to using [p p ... p]. So for example if X is 10*16, mat2cell2( X, [2 3] ) break X into 2*3 parts, each of size 5x5, and the last column of X is discarded. INPUTS X - matrix to split parts - see above OUTPUTS C - cell array adjacent submatrices of X EXAMPLE A=rand(4), B = mat2cell2(A,2), B{:} DATESTAMP 29-Sep-2005 2:00pm See also MAT2CELL, CELL2ARRAY, CELL2MAT