Applies nonmaximal suppression to a list. See nonmaxsupr for more information. Has the same effect as nonmaxsupr except it operates on a list of position/values pairs. Running time is n^2 in the number of such pairs. For comparison running time of nonmaxsupr is order( sum( size(I,d)*radii(d) ). This function has an additional parameter - supr_eq that causes a value in a given window to be suppressed unless it is the UNIQUE maximum in the window. This is if supr_eq==1, then all locations that are not strictly the biggest in their window are suppressed. This can be useful for large flat regions -- nonmaxsupr(ones(30),3) does no suppression since all values are equal in each window, but nonmaxsupr_list(ones(30),3) suppresses all locations. INPUTS subs - subscripts of point locations (m x d) vals - values at point locations (m x 1) radii - suppression window dimensions thresh - [optional] minimum value below which not to look for (or []) maxn: - [optional] return at most maxn of the largest vals supr_eq - [optional] suppress equal vals (see above) OUTPUTS subs - subscripts of non-suppressed point locations (n x d) vals - values at non-suppressed point locations (n x 1) keeplocs - indicies of kept locations from subs (n x 1) DATESTAMP 29-Sep-2005 2:00pm See also IMSUBS2ARRAY, NONMAXSUPR, NONMAXSUPR_WINDOW