Improving Communicating Pushdown System Model Checking

Nicholas Kidd, Thomas Reps, and Tayssir Touili

Communicating pushdown systems (CPDSs) are a formalism for modeling the behaviors of concurrent systems. They have been used to model concurrent C and Java programs. Once a concurrent program has been modeled as a CPDS, a reachability query is given to a CPDS model checker to determine if the property of interest is satisfied by the program model.

Our CPDS model checker implements a semi-decision procedure for answering a reachability query. For a given CPDS, the semi-decision procedure defines increasingly more-precise approximations of the reachability relation of a CPDS to determine if the query holds.

The focus of this paper is on improving the semi-decision procedure employed by the CPDS model checker. We define a new semi-decision procedure that is more precise and more efficient, and explore three new abstraction-refinement policies. When analyzing CPDSs generated from Java programs, the new policies produced median speedups of 2.4, 1.2, and 2.5, and maximum speedups of 5.4, 5.3, and 7.6.

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