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Link for Perry and Aubrey's project.


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  • Add project summary content
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Project Log


Meeting to address project feasibility, delegate tasks, discuss design. AB will work on mining metrics from literature. PK will work on developing client. To meet again on Thursday.


AB - Learned about TCP so I can figure out some ways to measure it.

PK - Got enumeration of adapters running along with capture on selected adapters. Simple GUI to enable / disable adapter capture.


Met briefly - discussed evolving approach. Will meet again on 03/06.

PK - Learned how to create dynamically loaded plug-in interface so that metrics / tests can be self-standing modules.


Met briefly - discussed metrics as known so far. Will meet again Monday.

PK - Wrote a DNSQuery plug-in using low level socket programming so that the query can be sent over non-default interfaces. Plug-in works over default interface (confirmed with WireShark) - have to add another NIC to my computer to test the non-default case.


PK - added second adapter to desktop. Confirmed plugins work over alternate adapters. Wrote PING plugin. Started traffic driver UI.

multi-interface_device_design.1236457235.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/07 14:20 by perryk