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Project Log

This is a log of the work we have done on this project.


Proposal submitted.


Meeting to address project feasibility, delegate tasks, discuss design. AB will work on mining metrics from literature. PK will work on developing client. To meet again on Thursday.


AB - Learned about TCP so I can figure out some ways to measure it.

PK - Got enumeration of adapters running along with capture on selected adapters. Simple GUI to enable / disable adapter capture.


Met briefly - discussed evolving approach. Will meet again on 03/06.

PK - Learned how to create dynamically loaded plug-in interface so that metrics / tests can be self-standing modules.


Met briefly - discussed metrics as known so far. Will meet again Monday.

PK - Wrote a DNSQuery plug-in using low level socket programming so that the query can be sent over non-default interfaces. Plug-in works over default interface (confirmed with WireShark) - have to add another NIC to my computer to test the non-default case.


PK - Added second adapter to desktop. Confirmed plugins are working over alternate adapters. Wrote PING plugin using low level socket interface. This is working nicely. Started traffic driver UI.


AB - Considered reorganizing web pages. Learned to upload files, but held uploading proposal until after reorg. due to possible linking/versioning problems. Researched network metrics from Google search results. Started finding papers from Sigmetrics and related conferences (IMC, MobiCom).


  • Measure bit error rates (physical and link layers should be able to report)
  • Get capacity of links
  • Measure achievable bandwidth by saturation


AB, PK - Meeting to discuss what has been learned about metrics so far, demonstrate current client and server functionality. Meet again on Thursday (03/12). AB to complete literature search, learn about SNMP. PK to continue work on client/server.


PK - Server is beginning to take shape. Have architecture mapped out to permit user level and packet level processing to take place in a single application. Server and client have hooked up both within my LAN and from outside to inside my LAN. Server is completely multithreaded and has already handled multiple concurrent clients.

PK - TCPPlugin and server are now happily exchanging traffic.

AB - Went through abstracts of last two years of SIGMETRICS IMC.


AB - Finished literature search of SIGMETRICS IMC. At this point I think I've collected about enough information from the literature. Read about SNMP.


AB - Creating new site organization. The new site should begin here: Multi-Interface Traffic Scheduling. Added temporary version of metrics notes.


PK - After much coding, the traffic driver is fully running including 3 different types of traffic and real time capture at the hardware level. Next step is to add real time capture to the server. Not including experiments, about 2200 lines of code have been written so far.


AB - Worked some on project wiki site. Insufficient permissions yet to reorganize and do what I want.


PK - Created UDP plug-in. Server is sinking them. Next step is still real time capture on the server. Had to modify the TCP plug-in to slow it down. TCP wants to buffer up and send as few packets as possible. I want as many packets as possible so had to add about 100 millisecond delay between sends.


AB - Worked on project wiki site. Created main page, reorganized existing content, uploaded proposal.


PK - Have real time capture on server working. Was a little more difficult than expected as the server doesn't have a complete picture of who is sending to it. It builds a time-based partner dictionary and filters packets based on who is in the dictionary. If no packets have been sent or received with a partner, the partner times out and is removed from the filter dictionary. Next step is to provide a data exchange mechanism between client and server where by one tells the other what it's packet history is.

AB - Looked up useful SNMP variables. Information is on the metrics page.


Looked for TCP PUSH support in Windows (.NET). There isn't any. Zilch.


PK - it looks like SNMP won't be usable by us. a) It is hardware dependent - you must know what hardware you're talking to in order to use it b) it requires a known “community name” which works as a password - since we don't know it, we can't use it. :(

midd/traffic_scheduling/project_log.1238549597.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/31 20:33 (external edit)