EDP Outputs for All File Systems
You can download EDP output for each file system here:
For each file system, you will find three files (.gif, .pdf, and .txt):
- The gif file gives a high level
depiction of error-code propagation in each file system.
- The pdf file is zoomable, hence
one can observe the full error propagation chains and study each violation.
The legend can be found below.
- The txt file lists each violation as
labeled in the pdf file, and points to the location of the bad call.
- The dot file is the graphviz dot
source code to generate the graph.
- Edge (function call):
- A red edge represents a bad call.
- A black edge represents a function call through which error-codes propagate.
- Node (function):
- A yellow node represents an error generation endpoint.
- A green node represents a function that both generates and propagates error-codes.
- A dark-red node represents a bad termination endpoint (a function that makes a bad call)
For more information, please read the paper.