From Vertical Research Group

DarkSilicon: Dark Silicon

This page provides details of the Dark Silicon work performed by UW-Madison, U-Washington, and Microsoft research.

Researchers involved:


  1. Power Challenges May End the Multicore Era, Communications of the ACM (CACM), February 2013.
  2. Power Limitations and Dark Silicon are Challenging the Future of Multicore, ACM Transcations on Computer Systems (TOCS), 2012.
  3. Multicore Model from Abstract Single Core Inputs, Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), 2012.
  4. Dark Silicon and the End of Multicore Scaling, Micro Top Picks 2012.
  5. Dark Silicon and the End of Multicore Scaling, ISCA 2011, pdf
  6. In the press


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Page last modified on January 22, 2013, at 01:55 PM