Computer Sciences Dept.

Tech Reports for 2008

  • Tech Report ID: TR1626
    A Scalable Failure Recovery Model for Tree-based Overlay Networks
    Dorian Arnold, Barton Miller
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1627
    Exploiting Product Distributions to Identify Relevant Variables of Correlation Immune Functions
    Lisa Hellerstein, Bernard Rosell, Eric Bach, Soumya Ray, David Page
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1628
    Signature Matching in Network Processing Using SIMD/GPU Architectures
    Neelam Goyal, Justin Ormont, Randy Smith, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, Cristian Estan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1629
    Reducing Concurrent Analysis Under a Context Bound to Sequential Analysis
    Akash Lal and Thomas Reps
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1630
    OS Support for Virtualizing Hardware Transactional Memory
    Michael M. Swift, Haris Volos, Neelam Goyal, Luke Yen, Mark D. Hill, David A. Wood
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1631
    Pathological Interaction of Locks with Transactional Memory
    Haris Volos, Neelam Goyal and Michael M. Swift
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1632
    Solving Multiple Dataflow Queries Using WPDSs
    Akash Lal and Thomas Reps
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1633
    Loss-Aware Network Coding for Unicast Wireless Sessions: Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation
    Shravan Rayanchu, Sayandeep Sen, Jianming Wu, Suman Banerjee, Sudipta Sengupta
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1634
    Live Update for Device Drivers
    Michael M. Swift, Damien Martin-Guillerez, Muthukaruppan Annamalai, Brian N. Bershad and Henry M. Levy
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1635
    From dumb pipes to rivers of money: a network payment system
    Cristian Estan, Suman Banerjee, Aditya Akella, Yi Pan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1636
    Packet Caches on Routers: The Implications of Universal Redundant Traffic Elimination
    Ashok Anand, Archit Gupta, Aditya Akella, Srinivasan Seshan, Scott Shenker
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1637
    Clustera: An Integrated Computation And Data Management System
    David J. DeWitt, Eric Robinson, Srinath Shankar, Erik Paulson, Jeffrey Naughton, Joshua Royalty, Andrew Krioukov
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1638
    Group File Operations for Scalable Tools and Middleware
    Michael J. Brim and Barton P. Miller
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1639
    Effective Slicing: A Generalization of Full and Relevant Slicing
    Anne Mulhern, Ben Liblit
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1640
    Symbolic Analysis via Semantic Reinterpretation
    Junghee Lim, Akash Lal, Thomas Reps
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1641
    Orbital Branching
    James Ostrowski, Jeff Linderoth, Fabrizio Rossi, and Stefano Smriglio
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1642
    Packing Multiway Cuts in Capacitated Graphs
    Siddharth Barman, Shuchi Chawla
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1643
    A Case for Complexity Models in Network Design and Management
    Theophilus Benson, Aditya Akella, Dave Maltz
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1644
    Serialization Sets: A Dynamic Dependence-Based Parallel Execution Model
    Matthew D. Allen and Srinath Sridharan and Gurindar S. Sohi
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1645
    Document Recovery from Bag-of-Word Indices
    Nathanael Fillmore, Andrew B. Goldberg, Xiaojin Zhu
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1646
    Internet Multi-Resolution Analysis: A Vision and Framework in Support of Representing, Analyzing and Visualizing Internet Measurements
    Paul Barford, Craig Partridge, Walter Williinger
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1647
    Code Sandwiches
    Matt Elder, Steve Jackson, and Ben Liblit
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