Computer Sciences Dept.

Tech Reports for 1995

  • Tech Report ID: TR1226
    Visualizing Scientific Computations: A System Based on Lattice-Structured Data and Display Models
    William L Hibbard
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1261
    The Declining Effectiveness of Dynamic Caching for General-Purpose Microprocessors
    Douglas C Burger, James R Goodman and Alain Kagi
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1262
    Tempest: A Substrate for Portable Parallel Programs
    Mark D Hill, James R Larus and David A Wood
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1263
    A Convergence Theorem for Chaotic Asynchronous Relaxation
    John C Strikwerda
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1264
    Accuracy vs. Performance in Parallel Simulation of Interconnection Networks
    Douglas C Burger and David A Wood
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1265
    Simulation of the SCI Transport Layer on the Wisconsin Wind Tunnel
    Douglas C Burger and James R Goodman
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1266
    An Analysis of the Interactions of Overhead-Reducing Techniques for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
    Alain Kagi, Nagi M Aboulenein, Douglas C Burger and James R Goodman
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1267
    Tempest Interface Specification
    Steven K Reinhardt
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1268
    Fuzz Revisited: A Re-examination of the Reliability of UNIX Utilities and Services
    Barton P Miller, David Koski, Cjin Pheow Lee, Vivekandanda Maganty, Ravi Murthy, Ajitkumar Natarajan and Jeff Steidl
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1269
    Using the Shore Object-Oriented Database/File System Paradigm for Information Retrieval
    Bradley S Rubin and Jeffrey F Naughton
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1270
    Disk-Tape Joins, Synchronizing Disk and Tape Access
    Jussi Myllymaki and Miron Livny
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1271
    Efficient Support for Irregular Applications on Distributed-Memory Machines
    Shubhendu S Mukherjee, Shamik D Sharma, Mark D Hill, James R Larus, Anne Rogers and Joel Saltz
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1272
    Implementing Generalized Transitive Closure in the Paradise Geographical Information System
    Biswadeep Nag
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1273
    Filter Joins: Cost-Based Optimization for Magic Sets
    Praveen Seshadri, Joseph M Hellerstein and Raghu Ramakrishnan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1274
    Generalized Search Trees for Database Systems
    Joseph M Hellerstein, Jeffrey F Naughton and Avi Pfeffer
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1275
    Surpassing the TLB Performance of Superpages with Less Operating System Support
    Madhusudhan Talluri and Mark D Hill
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1277
    Use of Superpages and Subblocking in the Address Translation Hierarchy
    Madhusudhan Talluri
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1278
    Algorithms for Loading Object Databases
    Janet L Wiener
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1279
    Algorithms for Scheduling Mallable and Nonmalleable Parallel Tasks
    Walter T Ludwig
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1280
    Convergence Results for GMRES(m)
    John Strikwerda and Suzan Stodder
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1281
    An Anytime Approach to Connectionist Theory Refinement: Refining the Topologies of Knowledge-Based Neural Networks
    David W Opitz
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1282
    The Semantics of Answer Literals
    Kenneth Kunen
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1283
    Demand Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis
    Susan Horwitz, Thomas Reps and Mooly Sagiv
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1284
    Precise Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis with Applications to Constant Propagation
    Mooly Sagiv, Thomas Reps and Susan Horwitz
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1285
    Learning From Instruction and Experience: Methods for Incorporating Procedural Domain Theories Into Knowledge-Based Neural Networks
    Richard F Maclin
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1286
    Parallelizing Appbt for a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor
    Douglas C Burger and Sanjay Mehta
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1287
    Non-Constructive Computational Mathematics
    Kenneth Kunen
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1288
    Goal-Oriented Memory Allocations in Database Management Systems
    Kurt P Brown
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1289
    Synchronization Hardware for Networks of Workstations: Performance vs. Cost
    Rahmat S Hyder and David A Wood
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1290
    Typhoon-Zero Implementation: The Vortex Module
    Robert W Pfile
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1292
    Performance Measurement Tools for High-Level Parallel Programming Languages
    R Bruce Irvine
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  • Tech Report ID: TR1296
    Program Specialization via Program Slicing
    Thomas Reps and Todd Turnidge
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