Computer Sciences Dept.

Tech Reports for 1988

  • Tech Report ID: TR740
    Optimization of Multiple-Relation Multiple-Disjunct Queries
    Murali Muralikrishna and David J DeWitt
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  • Tech Report ID: TR741
    A Note on Bi-Immunity and P-Closeness of P-Cheatable Sets in P/poly
    Judy Goldsmith, Deborah A Joseph and Paul Young
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  • Tech Report ID: TR742
    A Performance Analysis of the Gamma Database Machine
    David J DeWitt, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh and Donovan Schneider
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  • Tech Report ID: TR743
    Self-Reducible, P-selective, Near-testable, and P-cheatable Sets: The Effect of Internal Structure on the Complexity of a Set
    Judy Goldsmith, Deborah A Joseph and Paul Young
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  • Tech Report ID: TR744
    Fairness Analysis of Multiprocessor Bus Arbitration Protocols
    Mary K Vernon and Scott T Leutenegger
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  • Tech Report ID: TR745
    Distributed Round-Robin and First-Come First-Serve Protocols and Their Application to Multiprocessor Bus Arbitration
    Mary K Vernon and Udi Manber
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  • Tech Report ID: TR746
    An Accurate and Efficient Performance Analysis Technique for Multiprocessor Snooping Cache-Consistency Protocols
    Mary K Vernon, Edward D Lazowsky and John Zahorjan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR747
    The TREEBus Architecture and Its Analysis
    Rajeev Jog, Gurindar S Sohi and Mary K Vernon
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  • Tech Report ID: TR748
    A Mean-Value Performance Analysis of a New Multiprocessor Architecture
    Scott T Leutenegger and Mary K Vernon
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  • Tech Report ID: TR749
    Using Self-Reducibilities to Characterize Polynomial Time
    Judy Goldsmith, Deborah A Joseph and Paul Young
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  • Tech Report ID: TR750
    Optimization of Multiple-Disjunct Queries in a Relational Database System
    Murali Muralikrishna
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  • Tech Report ID: TR751
    Design and Analysis of a Gracefully-Degrading Interleaved Memory System
    Kifung Cheung, Gurindar S Sohi, Kewal Saluja and Dhiraj Pradhan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR752
    The Performance Potential of Multiple Functional Unit Processors
    Andrew R Pleszkun and Gurindar S Sohi
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  • Tech Report ID: TR753
    Logical Data Skewing Schemes for Interleaved Memories in Vector Processors
    Gurindar S Sohi
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  • Tech Report ID: TR754
    A Mechanism for Efficient Debugging of Parallel Programs
    Barton P Miller and Jong-Deok Choi
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  • Tech Report ID: TR755
    Asynchronous Parallel Successive Overrelaxation for the Symmetric Linear Complementarity Problem
    Renato DeLeone and Olvi L Mangasarian
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  • Tech Report ID: TR756
    Interprocedural Slicing Using Dependence Graphs
    Susan Horwitz, Thomas Reps and David Binkley
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  • Tech Report ID: TR757
    Factoring Polynomials Using Fewer Random Bits
    Eric Bach and Victor Shoup
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  • Tech Report ID: TR758
    Distributed Concurrency Control Performance: A Study of Algorithms, Distribution, and Replication
    Michael J Carey and Miron Livny
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  • Tech Report ID: TR759
    The Frequency of Dynamic Pointer References in C Programs
    Barton P Miller
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  • Tech Report ID: TR760
    Simulation of a Connectionist Stereo Algorithm on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor
    Charles V Stewart and Charles R Dyer
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  • Tech Report ID: TR761
    Data Modeling in DeLAB
    Yannis E Ioannidis and Miron Livny
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  • Tech Report ID: TR762
    A Parallel Algorithm for Minimal Cost Network Flow Problems
    Jorg Peters
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  • Tech Report ID: TR763
    New Algorithms for Finding Irreducible Polynomials Over Finite Fields
    Victor Shoup
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  • Tech Report ID: TR764
    Process-Structured Architectures to Transform Information Flowing Through
    Leonard Uhr
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  • Tech Report ID: TR765
    Efficient Transitive Closure Algorithms
    Yannis E Ioannidis and Raghu Ramakrishnan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR766
    The Wisconsin Multicube: A New Large-Scale Cache-Coherent Multiprocessor
    James R Goodman and Philip J Woerst
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  • Tech Report ID: TR767
    Measurement and Prediction of Contention in Multiprocessor Operating Systems with Scientific Application Workloads
    G E Bier and Mary K Vernon
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  • Tech Report ID: TR768
    The Trinocular General Support Algorithm: A Three Camera Stereo Algorithm for Overcoming Binocular Matching Errors
    Charles V Stewart and Charles R Dyer
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  • Tech Report ID: TR770
    On the Power of Magic
    Catriel Beeri
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  • Tech Report ID: TR771
    Abstract: Magic Templates: A Spellbinding Approach to Logic Programs
    Raghu Ramakrishnan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR772
    An Amateur's Introduction to Recursive Query Processing Strategies
    Francois Bancilhon and Raghu Ramakrishnan
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  • Tech Report ID: TR773
    Optimizing Existential Datalog Queries
    Raghu Ramakrishnan, Catriel Beeri and Ravi Krishnamurthy
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  • Tech Report ID: TR774
    A Framework for Testing Safety and Effective Computability of Extended Datalog
    Ravi Krishnamurthy, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Oded Shmueli
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  • Tech Report ID: TR775
    Some Remarks on the Completed Database
    Kenneth Kunen
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  • Tech Report ID: TR776
    Connectionist Models of Stereo Vision
    Charles V Stewart
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  • Tech Report ID: TR777
    The Semantics of Program Slicing
    Thomas Reps and Wuu Yang
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  • Tech Report ID: TR778
    A Case for Direct-Mapped Caches
    Mark D Hill
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  • Tech Report ID: TR779
    Weak Sharp Minima and Exact Penalty Functions
    Michael C Ferris
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  • Tech Report ID: TR780
    Distributed Scheduling for a Changing Environment
    Phillip E Krueger
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  • Tech Report ID: TR781
    Sharing in a Privately Owned Workstation Environments
    Matt Walter Mutka
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  • Tech Report ID: TR782
    On the Deterministic Complexity of Factoring Polynomials Over Finite Fields
    Victor Shoup
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  • Tech Report ID: TR783
    IPS-2: The Second Generation of a Parallel Program Measurement System
    Barton P Miller, Morgan Clark, Steven Kierstead, Alvin Sek-See Lim and Timothy Torzewski
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  • Tech Report ID: TR784
    The Asp: A Continuous, Viewer-Centered Object Representation for Computer Vision
    William H Plantinga
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  • Tech Report ID: TR786
    Techniques for Debugging Parallel Programs With Flowback Analysis
    Jong-Deok Choi, Barton P Miller and Robert Netzer
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  • Tech Report ID: TR787
    Error Bounds for Nondegenerate Monotone Linear Complementarity Problems
    Olvi L Mangasarian
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  • Tech Report ID: TR788
    Stability Number and Chromatic Number of Tolerance Graphs
    Giri Narasimhan and Rachel Manber
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  • Tech Report ID: TR789
    Evaluation of Retransmission Strategies in a Local Area Network Environment
    Amarnath Mukherjee, Lawrence H Landweber and John C Strikwerda
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  • Tech Report ID: TR790
    High-Bandwidth Interleaved Memories for Vector Processors-A Simulation Study
    Gurindar S Sohi
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  • Tech Report ID: TR791
    Persistence in the E Language: Issues and Implementation
    Joel E Richardson and Michael J Carey
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  • Tech Report ID: TR792
    Multi-Sweep Asynchronous Parallel Successive Overrelaxation for the Nonsymmetric Linear Complementarity Problem
    Renato DeLeone, Olvi L Mangasarian and Tzong-Huei Shiau
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  • Tech Report ID: TR793
    A Network of Neuron-Like Units That Learns to Perceive by Generation as Well as Reweighing of its Links
    Vasant Honavar and Leonard Uhr
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  • Tech Report ID: TR794
    Iterative Linear Programming Solution of Convex Programs
    Michael C Ferris
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  • Tech Report ID: TR795
    A Note on Square Roots in Finite Fields
    Eric Bach
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  • Tech Report ID: TR796
    Transaction Boundaries in Active Databases: A Performance Perspective
    Michael J Carey, Rajiv Jauhari and Miron Livny
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  • Tech Report ID: TR797
    Near-Testable Sets
    Judy Goldsmith, Lane Hemachandra, Deborah A Joseph and Paul Young
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  • Tech Report ID: TR798
    Self-Reducibility: The Effects of Structure on Complexity
    Deborah A Joseph and Paul Young
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  • Tech Report ID: TR799
    Deterministic Factorization of Polynomials Over Special Finite Fields
    Eric Bach and Joachim von zur Gathen
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  • Tech Report ID: TR800
    A Generalization of Lovasz's Sandwich Theorem
    Giri Narasimhan and Rachel Manber
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  • Tech Report ID: TR801
    Towards an Algebraic Theory of Recursion
    Yannis E Ioannidis and Eugene Wong
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  • Tech Report ID: TR802
    Finite Perturbation of Convex Programs
    Michael C Ferris and Olvi L Mangasarian
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  • Tech Report ID: TR803
    Inexpensive Implementations of Set-Associativity
    Richard E Kessler, Richard Jooss, Alvin R Lebeck and Mark D Hill
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  • Tech Report ID: TR804
    Commutativity and its Role in the Processing of Linear Recursion
    Yannis E Ioannidis
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  • Tech Report ID: TR805
    Experimental Results Indicate that Generation, Local Receptive Fields and Global Convergence Improve Perceptual Learning in Connectionist Networks
    Vasant Honavar and Leonard Uhr
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  • Tech Report ID: TR806
    Real-Time, Model-Based Tracking of Three-Dimensional Objects
    Gilbert Verghese and Charles R Dyer
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  • Tech Report ID: TR807
    Using Feedback to Control Tree Saturation in Multistage Interconnection Networks
    Steven Scott and Gurindar S Sohi
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  • Tech Report ID: TR808
    The EXODUS Extensible DBMS Project: An Overview
    Michael J Carey, David J DeWitt, Goetz Graefe, David M Haight, Joel E Richardson, Daniel T Schuh, Eugene J Shekita and Scott L Vandenberg
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  • Tech Report ID: TR810
    Tradeoffs in Instruction Format Design for Horizontal Architectures
    Gurindar S Sohi and Sriram Vajapeyam
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