Computer Sciences Dept.

Meta-Compiling Text Grammars as a Model for Human Behavior

Sheldon Klein

A survey of work with the meta-symbolic simulation system in generating murder mysteries, and in generating fairytales from text gramar models of Propp and Levi-Strauss. Also, a formulation of a theory of text grammars (frames, scripts, etc., subsumed) as a model of human behavior. The fact that text grammar rules may have the same semantic representation as natural language semantics in the meta-symbolic simulation system suggests that the same generative semantic rule-inference heuristics for natural language may also apply to inference of rules for non-verbal behavior. The ability to compile new behavioral rules during simulation execution, including rules governing the rule formation process itself, suggests, by counter example, a refutation of the necessity for a correlation between models of human mental structures and the structure of the human brain; the basic principles of language inference can account for the structuring of mental processes as a software phenomenon, independent of physiological reality. It follows that humans can have different rules, different data structures, different hierarchal organizations, where the only controlling factor is the requirement that the internalized models permit the individuals to function and interact with the inputs and outputs of other individuals in a social group.

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