const_dcl : 'const' const_type ID '=' const_exp const_type : integer_type | boolean_type | floating_pt_type | 'string' | type_name // must designate a simple type integer_type : [ 'unsigned' ] ( 'long' | 'short' ) boolean_type : 'boolean' floating_pt_type : 'float' | 'double' const_exp : exp1 ( '|' exp1 )* exp1 : exp2 ( '^' exp2 )* exp2 : exp3 ( '&' exp3 )* exp3 : exp4 ( shift_op exp4 )* exp4 : exp5 ( add_op exp5 )* exp5 : exp6 ( mul_op exp6 )* exp6 : [ unary_op ] atom atom : const_name | literal | '(' const_exp ')' shift_op : '<<' | '>>' add_op : '+' | '-' mul_op : '*' | '/' | '%' unary_op : '+' | '-' | '~' literal : INTEGER_CONSTANT | STRING_LITERAL | CHARACTER_CONSTANT | FLOATING_CONSTANT | 'true' | 'false' const_name : scoped_name // must designate a const
binds a name to a simple (unstructured) constant value.
Constants may be defined by C-like expressions involving
literals and names of other constants.
The type of the constant is explicitly indicated.
An integer type must be explicitly indicated as
there is no default integer size.
Only one precision of floating point is supported.
const long Kilobyte = 1<<10; const long Megabyte = 1<<20; const long BytesPerPage = 4*Kilobyte; const long MemSize = 20*Kilobyte; const long MaxPages = MemSize / BytesPerPage; const float PI = 3.1415926525; const float Avogadro = 6.02E24; const string Message = "Error";