Shore Programmer's Manual - 2 August 96


options \- configuration options used by the Shore Value-Added Server


oc_option_name:  value


Each of the following options must appear on the command line or in a configuration file. On the command line, each option is prepended with a dash ('-'); in a configuration file, it is prepended by a type, a class, and a program name (in the style of X configuration options).

For applications, the type is "shore", and the class and program name are determined by the application.

For application processes, the type is "shore", the class is "client", and program name is determined by the application program (an argument to process_options ).

Wild cards "?" and "*" may be used as with X configuration options.

Examples are:

shore.client.uf.oc_pstats: yes
shore.client.?.oc_pstats: yes
*.client.*.oc_pstats: yes


The following options are available to programs that use the Shore language-independent library, which includes all applications that use SDL.

Limit (in bytes) on the size of of the object cache. Default is 2 megabytes.
The number of update messages that can be collected before they are sent to the server. -1 means that a heuristic is used. Default is -1.
If set to true/yes, batching of updates is prevented. Default is false/no.
If set to true/yes, all the objects on a page are fetched into the object cache when the server ships a page to the client process. If set to false/no, objects that appear gratis are not read into the object cache. Pre-fetching only applies when the server ships more than one object, which happens only when the requested object is small (it does not consume the entire page) and anonymous (all objects on the page have the same ownership and permissions). An application that makes sparse reads of a large database might benefit by having this set to false, but in most cases, it pays to prefetch. Default is true/yes.
If set to true/yes, the object cache prints statistics to the standard output stream every time a transaction is committed. Default is false/no.
This is a small positive integer. The larger the integer, the more auditing (debugging) code is run in the object cache. The largest meaningful value is 5. The default is 0.
If set to true/yes, the object cache caches all objects on a page when the server ships a whole page of objects. (This happens only when the object requested is a small anonymous object). The default is "yes".
If set to true/yes, the object cache updates reference counts to type objects (modules, really) when committing a transaction that created or destroyed instances. For debugging purposes only. Use with caution! If you create an object with reference-counting turned off, and destroy it with reference-counting turned on (or vice versa) the results and the behavior of the system are undefined. You can also cause problems by using reference counts when creating objects, then destroying the objects through NFS or by destroying a pool. Default is false/no.


This manual page applies to Version 1.0 of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-92-C-Q508.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


options(svas) and environment(svas)