Shore Programmer's Manual - 2 August 96


latch_t \- Data Vector Classes


#include <latch.h>

// these are defined outside of class latch_t due to bugs in
// some C++ compilers
enum latch_mode_t { LATCH_NL = 0, LATCH_SH = 1, LATCH_EX = 2 };

class latch_t : public sthread_named_base_t {

    NORET			latch_t(const char* const desc = 0);
    NORET			~latch_t()	{};
#ifdef DEBUG
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const latch_t& l);

    inline void 		setname(const char *const desc);
    w_rc_t			acquire(
	latch_mode_t 		    m, 
	int 			    timeout = sthread_base_t::WAIT_FOREVER);
    w_rc_t			upgrade_if_not_block(
	bool& 			    would_block);
    void   			release();
    bool 			is_locked() const;
    bool 			is_hot() const;
    int    			lock_cnt() const;
    int				num_holders() const;
    int				held_by(const sthread_t* t) const;
    bool 			is_mine() const;

private:  // disabled methods
    NORET			latch_t(const latch_t&);
    latch_t&   			operator=(const latch_t&);


Latches are a read/write synchronization mechanism for threads, as opposed to locks which are used for synchronizing transactions. Latches are much lighter weight than locks, have no symbolic names, and have no deadlock detection.


The constructor for a latch takes an string descriptor (name) for the latch. This name is useful for debugging and for the output operator.


This method is used to change the descriptor associated with a latch.

acquire(mode, timeout)

The acquire method attempts to acquire the latch (for the thread that is running) in the desired mode. Valid values for mode are: LATCH_SH indicating shared mode and LATCH_EX indicating exclusive mode. If the latch cannot be acquired within the timeout, the method will return with a stTIMEOUT error. The number of times a latch is acquired by a thread is counted, so a corresponding call to release must be made for every successful call to acquire.


The upgrade_if_not_block method attempts to upgrade the latch from shared to exclusive mode. If the upgrade would cause the thread to block, then the upgrade is not performed and would_block is set to true.


The release method releases the latch for the thread that calls it.


The is_locked method returns true if any thread holds the latch.


The is_hot method returns true if any thread is waiting for the latch.


The lock_cnt method returns the total number of outstanding acquires.


The num_holders method returns the total number of threads holding the latch.


The held_by method returns the number of times the latch is held by the thread thread.


The is_mine method returns true if the calling thread hold the latch in exclusive mode.


This manual page applies to Version 1.0 of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-92-C-Q508.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


rsrc(common) , lock(ssm) , intro(common) .


There is a limitation of four share-mode (LATCH_SH) holders for a latch. Any additional threads attempting to acquire the latch will block.