Shore Programmer's Manual - 2 August 96


const \- constant declarations


// in sdl:

const long i = 34;
const long j = 1 * i;


The following refers only to the C++ language binding that is generated. Constants are used during the processing of the .sdl file according to the SDL rules of scoping, however, the C++ language binding for constants is under development.

As a temporary measure, to cover the most common cases, the constant declarations are simply passed through to the language binding, with no name scoping, and duplicate definitions are suppressed. Consequently, the SDL source

module m1 {
	const long c = 1;
module m2 {
	const long c = 3;
results in a language binding with only the first definition of the constant c.


This manual page applies to Version 1.0 of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-92-C-Q508.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


intro(cxxlb) , intro(oc) , and the Shore Data Language Reference Manual