Shore Programmer's Manual - 2 August 96


chown \- change ownership of a registered object


#include <ShoreApp.h>
shrc Shore::chown(const char *path, gid_t g, uid_t u);


Chown changes the owner and user of the object named by path. The group-owner is changed if the given group-id is not -1. The owner is changed if the given user-id is not -1.

Only privileged users can change the owner of a registered object. The owner of an object may change the group to a group of which he is a member. Privileged users can change the owner and group to anything.

If an unprivileged user successfully changes the group ID of a file, the set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits of the file mode, S_ISUID and S_ISGID respectively are cleared.

If the final component of path is a symbolic link or a cross-reference, the ownership and group of the symbolic link or cross-reference is changed, not the ownership and group of the file or directory to which it points.


This manual page applies to Version 1.0 of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-92-C-Q508.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


chown(2), getcwd(oc) .