The more information you can give us about the problem and the environment in which it occurs, the faster we can resolve the problem. Below is a list of information that is helpful to us. Not every item is appropriate for a particular report, but please include whatever you can.
Rerun your client. Include the output of the server in your problem report.
If your program does not get a segmentation fault, but does get another error, run it with gdb and get a stack trace at perrstop (unless you are writing your own value-added server and using the Storage Manager directly).
Please do your best to track down the source of the problem with gdb, debugging print statements, and other debugging tools at hand (that is, to give us a reasonable amount of detailed information). Remember that Shore is freeware; the project runs on limited resources, and every bit of help you can give us allows us to do more work on Shore extensions.
If you cannot glean any useful information from this, use the -E -dD -P options on gcc, and pipe the results to a file junk.C. Compile junk.C with gcc. Often this will pinpoint the problem.
If you still cannot glean any useful information, send us junk.C IN A SEPARATE MAIL MESSAGE, with the subject ``junk.C''; also send us junk.C.lines in a separate mail message with the subject ``junk.C.lines''.